Hero Of The Kingdom 1 Walkthrough

Hero Of The Kingdom 1 Walkthrough Rating: 4,9/5 6818 votes

Solutions to Harder Side Quests:Solutions to non obvious side quests! This is all the side quests in thegame that I can think about which do require some work to actually complete.Anything from finding hidden stuff around the world to just how to proceedwith it generally.The Butterfly Quest:This quest will unlock after you've learnt how to cook I believe. Giselle'sdaughter will ask you to find 12 butterflies for her. I've marked all 12 ofthem on the following screenshots.The Mushroom QuestAt the beach there is a woman named Lisa who's brother is very sick and needsmedical help. You'll have to find 5 special mushrooms in the cave behind theinn.

Hero of the Kingdom III. Adven ture, role-playing. Hero of the Kingdom II. Adven ture, role-playing. Hero of the Kingdom. Adven ture, role-playing. . Vegetables - 3 gold for 1 unit. Fruit - 3 gold for 1 unit. Fish - 5 gold for 1 fish, or 25 gold for 5 fish. Bread - 7 gold for 1 loaf. Cheese - 9 gold for 1 unit. Meat - 11 gold for 1 unit - E. Farms - Second only to the actual town, this section of the kingdom has the most places to buy and sell items.

I've marked them down below, they won't be visible at first, just fightthe monsters lurking in the cave and they will pop up as you go along.The Dagger QuestIn the same area there are 2 hunters sitting at a campfire asking for help tofind their comrade who hasn't come back from the forest. Go to the left andfight the spiders standing in your way until you find the hunter. He'll askfor some potions and help, do whatever he asks and then talk to him again whenhe is back with the other hunters. He will ask you to help him find hisprecious dagger he lost in the cave. It won't be visible until you fight thespider standing in it's way (yes you don't need to fight all the spiders).Miller's Son QuestThere are a few quests you can do for the little kid standing at the beach inthe mill area of Yellow Valley. After you've given him a pearl he will ask youto find 3 items he dropped around the area (god damn brat). They are prettyeasy to find but incase you do have some issues I've marked the location ofthem down below.The Lost Brothers QuestThere is a girl in Gray Valley named Helena looking for her brothers whohasn't returned.

After you speak to her the north area will open in the westside of Gray Valley. Kill the first orc blocking the entrance to the cave andthen fight your way thru the cave until you find her brothers.The Quadruple QuestFur and animal teeth quest, scrolls quest, dragon tooth quest and book quest.The reason I call this the quadruple quest is because it's four quests allconnected to eachother. You can not finish or sometimes even begin some ofthe quests before you finish the ones required before it.3 of these quests are located in Azure Valley and the other one located inGray Valley. Start by talking to a man named Skinner. He will ask you for20 fur, give that to him.

After this he will ask you for 12 animal teeth,if you give him that he will give you a dragon's tooth. Now you have everythingto continue the next quest.Start by talking to the Chronicler, he has lost 5 scrolls that he wants helpto find. Pokemon yellow game genie codes. Now here's the thing. If you are like me and found the 4 first onesand then can't find the last one don't worry. The 5th one is actually stolenby a brat and you have to do a quest for him to get it back. Start by pickingup the four scrolls around in Azure Valley. They are pretty easy to see butI'll mark them down below incase any of you have trouble finding it.

AleSquare5 gold
ArrowWest Forest2 gold
AxeSquare24 gold
BarrelSquare15 gold

Square (fishing village)

8 (9)gold

Bitter herbs (Use to make poison)Cemetery Basement25 gold
BoardsWest Forest (2 wood; after upgrade 1 wood)5 gold
BowWest Forest70 gold
BowlSquare8 gold
Bread (make)Mill (one flour for 5 bread)0
Bread (buy)Mill8 gold
Bread (sell)Square (later)8 gold
Charcoal (sell)Mercenary Stronghold 32 gold
Clothing (buy)Cemetery (don't sell)18 gold
Crab (sell)Fishing Village or Square7 gold
Crab soup (make)Salamander Village
Crab soup (sell)Square30 gold
Dagger (buy)Mercenary Stronghold 60 gold
Dry FlyFishing Village1 gold
Edible mushroom (sell; don't need)Mill3 gold
Egg (sell)Sell at mill; can buy at same price 3 gold
Egg (buy)Square3 gold
Fish (sell)Fishing village & Square6 gold
Fish (buy)Square6 gold
Fishing RodFishing Village20 gold
Flour (make)Mill (one grain to one flour)5 gold
GrainFarm5 gold
Gunpowder (make)City Docks (see below)
Gunpowder (sell)Cemetery Basement230 gold
HammerSquare & Farm24 gold
HayFarmF -5 gold
Healing berries (sell)Mill (but don't sell)18 gold
Healing potion (buy)Square45 gold
Healing potion (make)Castaway Beach 1 healing berries, 1 honey flower0
Honey flowersMill (but don't sell)20 gold
Jewelry (sell all but 2)Cemetery Basement75 gold
Juicy berries (sell)Square14 gold
Knife (buy)Farm18 gold
Lock pickCemetery Basement10 gold
MaceMercenary Stronghold 95 gold
Magic mushroom (don't sell)
Magic mushroom (buy)Cemetery Basement
Magic potion (buy)Church35 gold
Magic potion (make)Church Basement (3 magic mushrooms)5 gold
Magic potion (sell after zombies)Church Basement30 gold
Meat (sell; only 1 gold more to buy)Square13 gold
MercenaryMercenary Stronghold 100 gold
NailsSquare12 gold
OilCity Docks22 gold
Pearl (sell; don't need)Square65 gold
PickSquare30 gold
Poison (make)West Forest 1 bitter herbs , 2 poison mushrooms5 gold
Poison (sell)Cemetery & Church Basements50 gold
Poison (buy)West Forest55 gold
Poisonous mushroom (sell)Mill (but make poison instead)1 gold
RopeFishing village (square)9 (10) gold
RumSquare6 gold
SabreMercenary Stronghold 85 gold
SackSquare (Farm)7 (8) gold
SailsCemetery60 gold
SapphireDON'T SELL 78 gold
SawSquare (farm)20 (24) gold
Shell (sell; don't need)Square25 gold
ShieldMercenary Stronghold 70 gold
ShovelSquare 28 gold
SickleSquare (Farm)18 (21) gold
Snake fang (sell; don't need)West Forest20 gold
SpearMercenary Stronghold 100 gold
Spider venom (sell; don't need)West Forest45 gold
SulfurCity Docks85 gold
Sun solutionSquare70 gold
Torch Farm (Square) 14 (18) gold
Treasure (sell; don't need)Square120 gold
WoodWest Forest (after upgrade)20 (17) gold
Wolf Skin (sell; don't need)Cemetery Basement60 gold

Money - where do I get money?

Sell the following

  • Treasure
  • Wolf Skin
  • Spider venom
  • Snake fang
  • Shells
  • Meat (only costs 1 more gold to buy back)
  • Edible mushrooms
  • Juicy berries
  • Jewelry (sell all but 2)

Make & sell the following

  • Bread - buy grain (30 gold), make flour (5 gold), make bread (5 bread), sell bread (40 gold) for 1 gold per bread profit
  • Charcoal - buy wood (17 gold after upgrade; 20 gold before), make charcoal (10 gold), sell charcoal (32 gold) for 5 gold profit after woodcutter upgrade and 2 gold profit before upgrade
  • Poison - make poison with 1 bitter herbs (8 gold for basket or 25 gold ), 2 poisonous mushrooms, 5 gold and sell for 50 gold. You only need a total of 3 for game. You can make and sell over 20.
  • Crab soup - Make with 1 crab, 2 eggs, and 1 bowl (8 gold), sell to man in square for 30 gold
  • Gun powder - Make with 1 barrel (15 gold), 1 sulfur (85 gold) , 1 charcoal 27 gold), 3 manure (1 sack-7 gold + 3 gold), 25 gold and sell for 230 gold (for a 48 gold profit)