Nationstates Maps

Nationstates Maps Rating: 4,1/5 3714 votes

If anyone would like to stake a claim in for some land on the map then TG, orClaims must be:A1. Reasonable enough to be put onto the map. No beginner nation will be the size of Puczovska, or higher, for their claim. If you want more accurate claims and you have, beginner claims have a limit of 30k pixels at the equator. Unless you give up land from your main nation, your secondary nation will have to be at 15k pixels or less.A2.

NationStates is a nation simulation game. You create your own country, fashioned after your own ideals, and care for its people. Either that or you deliberately torture them. It's really up to you. Click on the Create a Nation link and follow it from there. You'll be asked to choose a name for your nation, a motto, a national animal, and a currency.

Picky is good. Feel free to request changes to borders if you aren't happy with them.A3. This map's planet is the same size as Earth, so I won't be making the map any bigger. If Earth can fit 200 nations, so can mine.A4. I am not adding new territory to the map. Use the existing land more efficiently and we won't need any more.A5. Existing nations on the map cannot claim unclaimed land (except in exceptional circumstances).A6.

Not Glacea nor any body of water.A7. If a returning member to the map then for x being your old nation size in pixels upon removal: New pixel claim limit = 0.5(x - 30k).Map removal is strictly allowed to only happen when the following criteria are met:B1. AFRP, or Away From RP (not RPing for 25 days, 20 days in the case of people on other RMB maps)B2. RMB RP Ban (if one clause states 'therefore, the RMB Cartography Staff shall remove from the map')B3. Cease to Exist (when the nation dies in the 28th day.

Exceptions apply.)Note: The staff updates the map once a week, every Saturday. Because of the week long intervals, it is possible someone may have claimed land you wanted before the next update is released. Please plan accordingly. Lost for ideas on what to RP next? As the name suggests Tempest Alpha is full of catastrophic regional disasters that will be sure to spice up any Nationstates Role-play!' But Lungha, how will we know what natural disasters effect which area of the map?' Well I'm glad you ask!

Tempest Alpha will have a variety of natural disasters ranging from hurricanes and wildfires, to meteoroid showers and Tsunamis chosen randomly using a random number generator, locations will also be chosen randomly using an RNG. Times when a natural disaster will strike will also be determined by an RNG! Affected areas will be shown on the Disaster Map below.'

Wow looks like that could hurt my nation. What if I don't want my nation to get hurt by a huge meteor strike, or flooded by a Tsunami!' Lungha's response is: Good luck and have fun with it! You can play your nation however you want but wouldn't it be interesting to see how the TA community would respond to your epic story of national survival, your heroic response to those in need? Will this disaster uncover new artifacts of your ancient nation? Will you turn this into an opportunity to invade a weakened enemy? The possibilities are endless!To add a claim land, TGClaiming:1) No secondary nations2) No more land will be added to the map.3) Claims on ice (White colored areas of the map) are not allowed4) Please be aware that as more nations join starting claims will get smaller5) You feel like expanding your land?

No problem tag me in RP post/factbooks about it, make it detailed and reasonable and your claims may be accepted and added. Gladiabots best ai. 'Huzzah for colonization and imperialism!' 6) Pixel Limits on claims So entire continents aren't claimed and because I keep getting asked6.1 New claims with any amount of coastline shall be limited to 40,000 pixels6.2 New claims with no access to the ocean will receive a bonus 10,000 pixels, equaling a total of 50,000 pixels. Land-locked nations are fun to play too.

Note: Ice is impassible on foot or wheeled vehicles. Territories surrounded by ice are essentially glaciers, reference Greenland for worldbuilding options and remember to wear sunscreen while skiing.Requirements for Removal:1) Nation has ceased to exist,2) Nation has left the region3) Nation is banned from Tempest AlphaMap will be updated periodically at a first come first serve basis please be aware that someone may have already claimed that juicy spot you've been working towards. Army size:Armies will only be allowed to be a certain size to ensure the RP remains at least a little bit sane.You will need two variables for the equation.1.

A flat 3%-.2. Your Roleplay Population (Not the population NS gives you,the population your nation on the map has) - -The formula to calculate your nations allowed military size is simple and fast:- AM=RP.0.03AM=Allowed Military sizeRP=Roleplay PopulationNote I:This means allowed in total, not at one time, so no refilling when you lose some.Note II: Just because you can use 3% of your population does not mean you should.Remember that this is your whole force, not just fighting men but also support and logistics.2. Wars and Voiding:You can only declare war on another person or do something if both agree to it. If you are attacked against your will or if during an ongoing rp people do things that you do not want, you are able to void their actions, aka rendering their actions non-existent.3. Sovereignty:No-one can decide matters in someone else's nation for them, you cannot decide how other nation's citizens behave, how they feel or what they do. Neither can you decide if there are rebels in someone else's nation, nor that there are citizens of x nation in that or your nation without that persons consent.

Nationstates maps

Only the nation's owner gets to decide what happens in that nation. (Exceptions are things like peace treaties where one side gets to occupy a nation and gets to torture/enslave the people)4. Restrictions On Weapons Of Mass Destruction-Weapons of Mass Destruction, go for it, excessive use will result in map changes and permanent marks for decreased population for nations, meaning future decrease in overall military. As with all good things moderation is key.4.1 Nuclear guidelines (permanent)A nuclear incident occurs once per conflict, let it be one warhead by a single nation or bombs dropped by a coalition or alliance.

The first incident of a nuclear incident will result in a 10% decrease in population. The second incident will result in a 25% total decrease in population. And a third will result in a 60% decrease in population.

Nukes are fun but be wary the cost of mutually assured destruction.4.2 Biological weapons (impermanent)A nation defending against biological agents must determine the effectiveness of the biological agent ranging from a 10-20% decrease in population that will recover fully after two map updates.5. General Weaponry Restrictions-There are several types of weapons that endanger the fun and safety of RP and which will thus be disallowed for usageThese weapons include:Spaceships/stations with weapons and/or military personnel on them.Orbital Weapons, Long Range Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, ICBMsLasers, Plasma and other similar weaponry can only be utilized like regular firearms.Note: If a weapon not on the list but it is weirdly powerful decide amongst yourselves to best determine if the weapon is voidable.A big round of applause to Friently for creating the original RP treaty.

If you want to know more about the original go to their NS page.

Starwhal subnautica. I like using gimp, which I use for all my flags, maps, emblems and it works really well. Nonetheless, I can also recommend, which, as I recall, I liked quite a bit more than MS paint.Edit for elaboration: For instance I created my map simply by doodling around with pencil and paper for a bit. Once I had my rough sketch I scanned it and painted it using Gimp. It has changed a few times, gotten larger smaller etc. But I found that this way works really well to create an organic and unique nation.

Topoliani: A Post-Apoc Medieval Nation in the LevantWe don't use NSstats, nor is this nation a representation of my views.News from the Desert: Convicted Murderer found to be hoarding 500 loaves of bread, later distributed to the people. Orthodox Novice and Catholic Novitiate abandon their positions to marry each other, later fleeing to Amman. Dandi states that he'll personally marry the two if they come back, the seriousness of the statement is questioned. Idnad attempts to steal a sweet roll causing a barfight leaving 2 injured.IC Year: 1210 AD.PLEASE, Ignore all posts before 2020. They are no longer canon.