Pokemon Yellow Gameshark Codes

Pokemon Yellow Gameshark Codes Rating: 3,0/5 7587 votes

Jet Moto Up, Down, Right, R1Rooftops Down, Left, R1, DownCyburbia Down, Up, L1, R1 Blow up the Hollywood Sign When you start on the first stage drive down on the road and when you see the hollywood sign on the mountain shoot a couple of missiles at it until the words blow up!Change Camera Angle For a midair view, hold UP and press SELECT. For a helicopter view, hold UP and press SELECT again.Change Two-Player Layout In any 2 player mode, Hold UP and press SELECT to change the layout. For example, if the screen is split vertically then entering this code will change it to a horizontal split.Defeating Darktooth Make sure you have at least 10 remotes, it might be hard to kill the other bosses without remotes, but it's worth it. Twisted metal 2 cheats playstation. Next freeze DarkTooth, and get next to him but make sure he is frozen, then put on your shield, get your remotes and blow him up.

Pokemon Crystal Version – Game Shark Codes Game Boy Color. Berry 55 Red Apricorn 56 Tiny Mushroom 57 Big Mushroom 58 Silver Powder 59 Big Apricorn 5b Amulet Coin 5c Yellow Apricorn 5d Green Apricorn 5e Cleanse Tag 5f Mystic Water 60 Twisted Spoon 61 White Apricorn 62 Black Belt 63 Black Apricorn 65 Pink Apricorn 66 Black Glasses 67.

To catch mew you have to go to cerulean city and you need an abra, beat all trainers on nugget brige then go left DONT GO DOWN not yet. Ok so there is grass downwards on the right take one step down and INSTANTLY press start and teleport back to the cerulean pokecentr cross nugget brige again but go right this time (by now you will notice your start button does not work dont panic) there is a junior trainer with his back 2 a rock beat him and teleport again go to cross nugget brige as soon as the colour changes when u leve the city press start AND THEN YOU FIGHT M E W!!! He is lv 7 but u will need lots of pokeballs 2 get him. First, you have to go to the Underground passage to Lavander then when you come out step as far away from the trainer that's staring at you with Pikachu still on the door then use Fly and go to Curulian city, but make sure that his exlmation point is up, but also make sure that he dosen't battle you or it will completlelly messed up! When you get to Curulian go on the path with the five trainers then go to the trainer in the middlenorth that says this ' I had a party on the S.S Anne with my dad ' or simply the one with the Slowpoke, this can also mess the secret of getting Mew. Then after battleing him Fly to Lavander town.

Then go on the short path before going on the Rt. To Cleadon Just go 1 step then Save in that exact spot, then this light appears and then Mew will attack ( the cra-y part is that its only on Lv.7 )I sware this is the exact way to get Mew! What you need is a Pokemon that can use Teleport or Fly, a Pokemon that knows Growl, every trainer beat on Nugget Bridge, 1 slot in your Party of Pokemon, and every Pokemon healed. What you need remaining is: The JR. Trainer that's by the bridge available to battle, and the Youngster with the Slowpoke.

Now note: You should've beat the Hiker with the Onix first before using the glitch. Now, heal your Pokemon at Cerulean City's Pokemon Center. Go out to the Nugget Bridge. Get to the end and go left until you can walk down. DO NOT walk down.

Save your game. Now, walk down. Press Start IMMEDIATELY. If you did this correct, you will notice the JR. Trainer in your range of sight.

He will notice you if you get out of the menu. Go to your Pokemon that can use Teleport or Fly, and Fly to Cerulean City.

Trainer should notice you, but you'll teleport/fly away. Now, you're back at Cerulean. You're Start button won't work. And you can't talk to anyone (except Pikachu).

The reason why is because the game thinks you're fighting the JR. Now, go to the Youngster with the Slowpoke. Get in his range of sight, and leave one space between you two, or else the game will freeze. Use your Pokemon that knows Growl and use Growl 6 times at the Slowpoke. This will make Mew Level 1.

Now defeat the Slowpoke. After the battle, the Start button will function again. Use the Pokemon that knows Teleport/Fly to get to Cerulean City. Now, after arriving at Cerulean City, walk up to Nugget Bridge.

As soon as you change locations, the Menu will mysteriously appear. DO NOT OPEN ANYTHING. Leave the Menu. You will randomly face a wild Pokemon. That Pokemon is Mew.

Use a Pokemon to make Mew Sleep/Paralyzed. Then, use a good Pokeball (no Master Ball, save it for Mewtwo) to capture it. You should have Mew. Now, switch Mew to the first slot in your party. Then, battle a wild Pokemon. (Hint: Don't let the JR. Trainer notice you.

He can still be useful for more glitches.) As soon as you send Mew out, swap him out for another Pokemon that can beat the wild Pokemon. Use it to defeat the wild Pokemon. If Mew didn't gain enough Exp, then it should be elevated to Lvl.

The reason why is because Lvl. 1 Pokemon weren't coded in the game, thus causing the game to freak out and give Mew an INSANE amount of Exp, which should've gotten him to Lvl.

200 or something, but filtered it to Lvl. The bad thing is that Mew only knows Pound, so teach it TM moves.

Pok�mon Gameboy - Gameshark Codes

POJO NOTE! Here are some updated codes for Yellow, you'll notice we have the Game Genie, Game Shark, and Action Replay Pro codes for Mew! Please keep the good codes coming! Aaron

Surfing Pikachu!!!

  • The code is: 0(The number) 1 3 9 7 3 D 1. This will make Pikachu learn surf. Make sure you have the 5th badge so you can use it. Go to Fuchsia city and go down where the water is. Go in that house near the water and talk to the guy. He will have a Pikachu near him. He will say some stuff and then he will say 'Do you want to surf?' You say yes and you can play the Pikachu surfing game.

Attack Codes!

  • For yellow only. The code is 0 (The number) 1??73D1. Replace ?? with the numbers. This code changes the 2nd attack.

02=karate chop
04=comet punch
06=pay day
08=ice punch
0E=swords dance
12=wirwl wind
16=vine whip
18=double kick
1A=jump kick
1C=sand attack
1E=horn attack
20=horn drill
22=body slam
24=take down
26=double edge
28=pioson sting
2A=pin missile
30=super sonic
38=hydro pump
3A=ice beam
3E=aurora beam
48=mega drain
4C=solar beam
4E=stun spore
50=petal dance
52=dragon rage
54=thunder shock
56=thunder wave
58=rock throw
62=quick attack
68=double team
74=focus energy
7E=fire blast
82=skull bash
88=Hi jump kick
8A=dream eater
8E=lovely kiss
92=dizzy punch
98=crab hammer
9A=fury swipes
9E=hyper fang
A2=super fang

Gameshark Pro ONLY!

  • I got some Codes for you!

Level Codes!

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 5:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 10:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 15:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 20:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 30:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 40:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 50:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 75:

  • Catch a Pok'emon level 99:

Mew Codes!!!

  • In RED/BLUE and YELLOW you can get Mew if you want to know how use game shark, the code for Red/Blue is 0115D8CF for Yellow its 0115D7CF

  • To get Mew, you must have a Game Genie. Second, you have to be in the area between the end of mount moon and just about to enter Cerulean city. The code is : 151-9BA -5DB ... And bam! Be ready to catch it, plus it level ranges are 5-12. Good hunting!

  • I've got a code for Mew. When I used it on Action Replay Pro. It's code is 0115D8CF It learns the following moves: Pound, L10 Transform, L20 Mega Punch, L 30 Metronome, L 40 Psychic. A good thing about Mew is that it can learn any TM or HM. I taught it Blizzard, Softboiled, Thunder & let it keep Psychic. It's super-effective against everything except Normal and Bug ( I let it learn Softboiled because it doesn't learn Recover). When you catch him, he is a similar level to the wild Pokemon. Also when it says turn the switch to off to start the game if you want to catch him you'll have to turn it back to on.

Pokemon Yellow Gameshark Codes

    Infinite Money: 019946D3 & 019947D0 & 19948D3
    Infinite Casino Coins: 0199A3D5 & 0199A4D5
    Pacific Pikachu: 013972D1 & 015563D1
    Infinite Quantity 1st Position: 01631ED3
    Infinite Quantity 2nd Position: 016320D3
    Infinite Quantity 3rd Position: 016322D3
    Infinite Quantity 4th Position: 016324D3
    Infinite Quantity 5th Position: 016326D3
    Infinite Quantity 6th Position: 016328D3
    Infinite Quantity 7th Position: 01632AD3
    Infinite Quantity 8th Position: 01632CD3
    Infinite Quantity 9th Position: 01632ED3
    Infinite Quantity 10th Position: 016330D3
  • In RED/BLUE and YELLOW you can get Mew if you want to know how use game
    shark, the code for Red/Blue is 0155D8CF for Yellow its 0115D7CF
  • Buy anything from any city Pok�mart *Code before the items on the Items List
    below are used in place of the xx's.
    1st Slot 01xx7CCF
    2nd Slot 01xx7DCF
    3rd Slot 01xx7ECF
    4th Slot 01xx7FCF
    Code Item Cost in Pok�marts
    01 Master Ball $0
    02 Ultra Ball $1200
    03 Great Ball $200
    04 Pok�ball $200
    0A Moon Stone $0
    0B Antidote $100
    0C Burn Heal $250
    0D Ice Heal $250
    0E Awakening $200
    0F Parlyze Heal $200
    10 Full Restore $3000
    11 Max Potion $2500
    12 Hyper Potion $1500
    13 Super Potion $700
    14 Potion $300
    1D Escape Rope $550
    1E Repel $350
    20 Fire Stone $2100
    21 Thunderstone $2100
    22 Waterstone $2100
    23 HP up $9800
    24 Protein $9800
    25 Iron $9800
    26 Carbos $9800
    27 Calcium $9800
    28 Rare Candy $4800
    2E X Accuracy $950
    2F Leaf Stone $2100
    31 Nugget $10000
    32 PP up $9800
    33 Pok�Doll $1000
    34 Full Heal $600
    35 Revive $1500
    36 Max Revive $4000
    37 Guard Spec $700
    38 Super Repel $500
    39 Max Repel $700
    3A Dire Hit $650
    3B Coin $10
    3C Fresh Water $200
    3D Soda Pop $300
    3E Lemonade $350
    41 X Attack $500
    42 X Defend $550
    43 X Speed $350
    44 X Special $350
    4B Exp. All $0
    4F PP Up $0
    50 Ether $0
    51 Max Ether $0
    52 Elixer $0
    53 Max Elixer $0
  • Never Miss and Have More Criticals: 01ffd5cf
    Infinite PP (1st Position): 01282cd0
    Infinite PP (2nd Position): 01282dd0
    Infinite PP (3rd Position): 01282ed0
    Infinite PP (4th Position): 01282fd0
    Dome Fossils: 01297ccf
    Master Balls: 01017ccf
    PP Ups: 01327ccf

151 PokeMon Gameshark Codes:

  • On your gamshark type in 01**D8CF (in the ** put in one of the numbers or
    letters bellow) please don't e mail me with your problems. Codes may erase your game,
    if it erased your game, it would say something like, 'Gamefile Erased,' quickly
    turn the game off and try again.
    99-bulbasaur 09-ivysaur 9A-venasaur
    BO-charmander B2-charmelion B4-charizard
    B1-squrtle B3-wortortle 1C-blastoise
    7B-caterpie 7C-metopod 7D-butterfree
    70-weedle 71-kakuna 72-beedrill
    24-pidgey 96-pidgeyotto 97- pidgeyott
    A5-rattata A6-raticate
    05-spearow 23-fearow
    6C-ekans 2D-arbok
    54-pikachu 55-riachu
    60-sandshrew 61-sandslash
    0F-nidorine(female) A8-nidorina 10-nodoqueen
    03-nidorine(male) A7-nidorino 07-nidoking
    04-clefairy 8E-clefable
    52-vulpix 53-ninetales
    64-jigglypuff 65-wigglytuff
    6B-zubat 82-golbat
    B9-odish BA-gloom BB-veleplume
    6D-paras 2E-paresect
    41-venonat 77-venomoth
    3B-diglet 76-dugtrio
    4D-meoth 90-persion
    2F-psydusk 80-golduck
    39-mankey 79-primeape
    21-growlithe 14-arcanine
    47-poliwag 6E-poliwirl 6F-poliwrath
    94-abra 26-kadabra 95-alakazam
    6A-machop 29-machoke 7E-machamp
    BC-bellspruot BDweepinbell BE-victrobell
    18-tenticool 9B-tenticruel
    A9-geudude 27-graveler 31-golem
    A3ponyta A4-rapidash
    25-slowpoke 08-slobro
    AD-magnimite 39-magniton
    46-doduo 74-dodrio
    3A-seel 78-dewgong
    0D-grimer 88-muk
    17-shelder 8B-cloyster
    19-gastler 93-haunter 0E-gengar
    30-drowzee 81-hypno
    4E-krabby 8E-kingler
    06-voltorb 8D-electrode
    0C-exeggute 0A-exeggutor
    11-cubone 91-marowak
    37-koffing 8F-weezing
    12-rhyhorn 01-rhydon
    5C-horsea 5D-seadra
    9D-goldeen 9E-seaking
    1B-staryu 98-starmie
    85-magikarp 19-gyarados
    66-evee 69-vaporeon 68-jolteon 67-flareon
    62-omanyte 63-omastar
    58-kabuto 5B-kabutops
    58-dratini 59-dragonair 42-dragonite