Marvel Strike Force Discord

Marvel Strike Force Discord Rating: 4,7/5 3775 votes

The official Discord for MARVEL Strike Force, a game for iOS/Android that is published by FoxNext Games. 42741 members.

Table of Contents.Welcome to the best tutorial for Marvel Strike Force. In this guide, we will go over all the information you need to know about the game! This guide is for players lower than level 35! Basic StuffWhen you start the game, focus on the campaign maps first. You are going to need a lot of gear.

Utilize all the free refills every 12 hours to do more campaign maps.Also upgrade your characters as you level so you can complete the campaign maps. If you cannot beat a certain map, don’t keep trying and waste energy. Go back to other campaigns, farm the required gear of a character to improve your power and try again.In the campaign modes, as long as you defeat all enemies and have the entire team alive, you will get 3 stars. That will unlock auto win mode.The key is to focus on 5 characters first where you can use it to run campaign maps and events.

After that, you focus on another 5 for the Villain mode as you will need items from the campaign maps to further upgrade your characters.So there are some restrictions when it comes to certain campaign mode.Heroes Assemble – Only good characters can participate. You will have a full roster here with Spiderman, Daredevil, Punisher, Luke Cage and Wolverine.

This is more than enough to get to the latter stages of the campaign if you focus on upgrading them.Villains United – Only the baddies can be in this. Since it is harder to assemble hero characters, you only start off with Elektra and then Crossbones if you farm the event. I suggest getting Nebula, Yondu and Hand Sorceress as the basic villain team.Nexus – This campaign allows both the good and bad characters. This will be the easiest since there is no restrictions.Cosmic Conflicts – Only cosmic characters are allowed here. You will also need to be level 45 to unlock it.

I suggest Nebula, Yondu and Gamora as starter characters for this campaign.Mystic Forces (not released yet) – Only mystic characters are allowed here. I suggest Elektra, Hand Sorceress and Yondu or Iron Fist as the starter team! Spending Power Cores (Real Money Currency)It is best to spend power cores on refills for farming campaign maps. The first refill costs 50 power cores and I would do it if you need a specific item. The only thing you should be spending cores on, is energy twice a day for 50 cores each and nothing else.Also, do not spend any power cores on orbs, they give you the worst return of investment per dollar spent on power cores (don’t even use your free power cores on it either). Daily ObjectivesThis would be the first priority for fast leveling. Completing it will give you a nice chunk of player experience to quickly level up and increase the level cap of your characters.

Nebula – She is an offensive brawler that you will want in your villain team. She is very much a speed attacker that can counter with her second skill. Her third skill is a small AoE chain attack and she gains evasion.

Nebula is built to attack multiple times before the enemy can move. While she may not be a heavy hitter, she shines when you level her passive “Exploit Weakness”, which gives her a chance to assist in an attack! You can farm her in Heroes 4-9 and Nexus 1-3. BlitzGamora – Gamora is an offensive brawler that is built for killing blows. As long as she gets to finish the enemy off, she gets to go again. That means she can move multiple turns if she gets chain kills. Her passive increases critical chance, so she becomes more potent as you level her abilities.

Crossbones – Crossbones is actually a very good offensive tank with his third skill being able to deal a lot of damage to the enemy team while hurting himself. The goal is to taunt the first round, then explode on the enemy team for massive damage after in the arena.Spiderman – Spiderman is your squishy dodge character but has a lot of utility.

His third skill does decent damage and he can stun. The second skill applies defense down. His first two skills can chain attacks vs nearby enemies. His passive increases his dodge chance. I would farm him just for utility.

Alliance WarsThor – Thor is slow but hits very hard. His first skill only hits one enemy but his second and third skill are both AoE attacks. His third skill stuns the primary target and also gives a chance to stun other enemies as well. He is a great crowd control Blaster. I try to farm him ASAP! Character Farming SpotsIf you want to know where to farm a character, take a look at the table below. Arena Battles – You can battle up to 5 times per day.

You get to pick your opponents and if you don’t like the matchup, you can refresh for a more favorable one. Winning the battle against your opponent will replace their rank to yours. You also have to wait for a bit after 1 arena battle before you can try again without refreshing using power cores. Grunts/Characters Worth FarmingHere is an excellent infographic! He tells you who you should be farming!To sum it up for you, here are the must have grunt characters you want:Shield Operator – She is the fastest grunt that is currently available with a decent kit. The slow on crit meme is back but it has an actual decent chance at removing buffs on every basic attack that’s boosted by her passive whilst her Special can heal a ludicrous amount if the target avoids AoE attacks that can kill it.

She is easily the strongest solo-healer available as far as mooks are concerned and if paired with Jessica Jones, can constantly spam her Extraction ability. We are talking 500+5% of her health +20% of the target ally’s health in a single turn with some delay.Hand Blademaster – With speed almost equal to Elektra but a much higher DPS due to the fact that he is not reliant on applying Bleed effect on his basic attack, BLademaster is your best damage character as a B-team attacker. The lower damage stat is helped along thanks to the high modifiers on his skills as well as his passive granting extra damage.

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His special, Assailing Blade deals huge damage and only on a 3 turn cooldown makes it a very easy skill to spam with support Jessica Jones. If the bonus attack hit, he will out damage Elektra.

Marvel strike force discord channels

If not, he will just fall short of her burst but provide more DPS. Special mention is that if the first hit of his special crits, the second will also crit.Hand Sentry – More of an Off-Tank like CB instead of a full fledged tank like Luke Cage, the sentry does his job very well. His basic attack has a large modifier on it and his Smoke Bomb special is a great way to keep allies safe from either turn 1 specials or as a GET OUT OF JAIL free card for enemy ultimates as long as the Sentry himself can actually tank them. With his passive and stat growth, he is surprisingly bulky.Shield Security – He is harder to farm compared to the rest. His damage output is good enough but the kicker lies in its ability to either stun or slow an enemy for 1 turn which is massive even with his sub-par speed. The stun’s on a chance but the slow is guaranteed to roll against the enemy’s resistance. His special is lackluster and only worth it for the stun, which is on a dice roll so no.

His passive is a life saver when actually using him and one of the biggest annoyances one can face when fighting against him thanks to his low speed. Useful ResourcesBelow are some useful places to find more info about Marvel Strike Force.– A nice fan site made with better design!.