Killer Instinct Combos

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Xbox One What is /r/XboxOne?Everything related to the Xbox One. News, reviews, previews, rumors, screenshots, videos and more! Subreddit Rules.Follow.Keep it civil and on topic - Posts must be directly related to Xbox One & Link directly to the source.Spoilers and NSFW posts must be properly marked.Enabling piracy / jailbreaking / hacking / fraud / account trading and sharing / region switching e.t.c. Hey everyone, I thought I'd do a quick rundown on how to do combos and combo breakers in Killer Instinct using natural words and not in game terminology. If you go to the Dojo the game also explains how to do combos and breakers but I thought I'd do an easy to understand supplement written version.Before I get started there is something you must know. When I write 'button' below it means either X,A,Y,B,RT, or RB. X and A are light buttons, Y and B are medium strength buttons, and RT and RB are heavy buttons.

The Very Basics. Light Punch (LP) - X. Medium Punch (MP) - Y. Heavy Punch (HP) - Right Bumper. Light Kick (LK) - A. Medium Kick (MK) - B. Heavy Kick (HK) - Right Trigger. All Three Punches (3P) - Left Bumper. All Three Kicks (3K) - Left Trigger.

When I write special moves its one of the unique moves each character has. Now not all moves are able to go into a combo, a endokuken does not go into a combo, usually moves that move your character foward are the ones who go in combos. Look in the moves list in the start menu to see all your special moves. That's all you need to know to get into the game really.Now below decide whether you want to learn the old way of doing combos which I suggest only to those who truly enjoy the complexities of fighting games like doing complicated motions such as Shoryukens. If you enjoy how easy it is to get into smash brothers then try the new way of doing combos.CombosThe Old WayThere are two different ways to do combos in Killer Instinct. One is the classic way which I won't get too in depth because I made this thread for newbies of either fighting games or Killer Instinct. To be honest you don't need to learn the old way since it's more complicated.

But it does have its advantages. For one, you will pretty much know how to do special moves at any time. Secondly, it opens up the doors to learn how to do manuals which is a super strict timing for tricking people who are combo breaking. Lastly, doing shadow moves in combos will be a lot easier to you. A quick run down of how the old way worked is basically you would do the followingspecial move- button - special move- button - special move (but using RT or RB).Combos always end with 'enders' which are just special moves but using the RB or RT.Why am I not teaching you the old way?

Well to be honest having learned the old way it takes about 4 hours of practice to get the timing down and even then you'll drop combos every now and then. Not only that but a lot of people who don't play fighting games don't know how to do the special move motions for a haduken or shoryuken and the old way pretty much requires you to do this multiple times with specific timing.The New WayUsing the assist mode which is automatically on during character select, all of the complicated motions are pretty much gone. Assist mode basically turns the game into smash bros. Just hit any 'button' and continue pressing to do combos.button- button - button - Forward and either of the heavy buttons.Combos always end with 'enders' which are just special moves but using the RB or RT.You can see how the assist mode is a lot easier than the old way. The only thing I would warn about the old way is that for people who don't know how to do the motions for shoryukens or hadukens well this mode won't force you to learn them and doing shadow moves in the middle of your combos will be hard because you never practiced how to do special moves.

Still, the assist mode is what I would recommend most new players use.EndersI've mentioned that enders are in every combo, they end combos who would have known? Now me saying they are important is an understatement, you could do the longest most complex combos in the world but unless you end them the combos are worthless. When you do combos their will be a meter on the screen telling you how long your combo is and how much longer you can go out before your opponent spins out of the combo. Basically it's you combo limit. You need to end your combo before the bar fills or the opponent will spin out.So now you know when to end combos but now you have to decide which enders to use. There are different enders for each special move. For Jago you can end your move with a shoryuken, a endokuken or even a Wind kick.

Deciding which to use at which moment is important. Each ender has its own trait and if you are using assist mode you have to select which to assign to your RB or RT. For non assist mode users you just do the special move but with RB or RT.

Each ender has its own trait. A Shoryuken ender will do tons of damage based on how long your combo is. A Endokuken ender will refill your shadow meter based on how long the combo is. A wind kick ender will push your opponent away the length based on how long your combo is and if you do it near a wall cause a wall splat.When you are in a heated match and both of you in your last 25% of life deciding to do a damage ender will be a lot more useful than an ender that gives your meter. That damage ender could win you the match.Combo BreakingSome would call it guessing which in all honesty probably your first month is going o be guessing but after a while you will realize how to combo break some moves. Now knowing how to combo break requires you read the beginning part about buttons light, medium and heavies. In combos light, medium, and heavy punches and kicks all have unique animations and speeds along with sounds.

You can use either of the three to differentiate and know which strength of a move you are getting hit with. For me personally, I can recognize the strength of a move by the speed of their attacks.

A light move is the fastest, medium is medium speed and a heavy is really slow.Once I see how slow or fast a move is to break you press Either one of the following pairs.To break a Light attack press X and A together. To break medium press Y and B together. To break heavies press RT and RB together.In time you will start to notice how a heavy punch of Jago looks like and start pressing RT and RB to break it. It just takes time.That's pretty much the basics of KI.

In time you may venture off and learn on your own shadow moves, Instinct Mode, counter breaking, and doing Shoryuken motions on your own but you don't need to learn these things to get half way up the rank ladder.I'll answer any questions you guys have big or small. To be honest, for combos they are all pretty much free style. Unlike in MK or maybe even SF where people would do the same combo that is in a list somewhere the real source of importance comes from the ender and which you will use at certain times in a match.Jago, Fullgore, and Orchid all pretty much play like a regular Shoto. All of them share similarities to Ryu.

Sadira is an air character doing air combos and cross ups are her speciality if you get her in the corner she has no good wakeup game. Glacius is like Dhalism, most people play him like that and some of his special moves are unblockable so you won't want to stay still forever. Spinal is a very momentum based character. Once he gets skulls he can do a ton of mix ups and becomes a very safe character on most of his moves. Stop him from getting to many skulls. Thunder pretty much has the most damage output of all the characters maybe tied with Orchid. His grabs and ankle slice are deadly.

His ankle slice is super fast so watch out for that.That's pretty much for Season 1 characters. Season 2 characters are another beast. Kan Ra is going to cause so much rage. Shago pretty much is too op right now. TJ does a ton of junk as well.

Oh u gun learn today. If you are looking for a game just for the story mode like MK then this isn't the game for you. KI is a pure fighting game mostly because that's where most of the budget went to. What separates KI from other fighting games is the feel. KI has a unique feel to it. If you've played a game like Halo or some other big game you would know the unique feel of each game and knowing that that feel is what brings you back each time.It is regarded as a good fighting game, not the best because of what I said earlier of the budget.

But if it had the treatment that Halo got KI could have been the best fighting game to release.If you're new to fighting games the game has the best tutorial of any fighting game in the dojo. It pretty much explains a lot of the techniques high level players use. The new combo assist mechanic made it even easier to do combos for new comers so that should help plenty of people who have trouble doing complicated controller motions that fighting games usually have.Overall it's the only Xbox game that I come back to regularly just to have a competitive rush by playing like 10 matches every now and then.

I wasn't to deep into fighting games before KI but now I pretty much follow to fighting game scene.

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A prototype cybernetic soldier developed by Ultratech, Fulgore was entered into the Killer Instinct tournament as a final test of its combat capabilities. Once its abilities are proven, mass production will begin.HistoryOne of Ultratech’s latest creations and possibly the most dangerous to date, Fulgore is the first in a planned series of cybersoldiers boasting state-of-the-art armouries, worked at feverishly over the last few years by a particularly erratic Ultratech genius and his team. Dark rumours abound as to where the prototype’s human parts originated – the kind of rumours nobody dares voice. Before the Fulgore Mk.

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