Past Cure Walkthrough

Past Cure Walkthrough Rating: 3,5/5 4058 votes

Full list of all 13 PAST CURE achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.

Powered by Trusted Reviews Available on PC (version tested), PS4 and Xbox OneVideogames have a unique ability to represent the fabric of dreams, almost more so than any other medium. After all, their very nature is a constructed but interactive reality, and we’ve seen the likes of BioShock Infinite, Hellblade and The Evil Within play on those ideas, creating worlds and experiences where reality and unreality blend or fracture, often to mesmerising effect.Buy Past Cure from Past Cure, an indie from new German studio Phantom 8, looks to capture that same sort of magic. It references Inception in its marketing material, its trailer is quite literal about dreams and perception, and it actually opens with a dream sequence. However, that’s where the comparisons between this and the aforementioned trio of excellence die.Related:Old Ian is a troubled soul, looking almost exactly like Ethan from Heavy Rain – vacant expression and all – and haunted by a recurring nightmare where mannequin men try to kill him.

He’s also lost the past three years of his memory, and has only the voice of his brother Marcus to guide him. Ian is having a tough time.Well, Phantom 8 seemingly wants players to experience a similar fate to Ian, since the opening two hours of Past Cure are just about the most arduous tutorial you could ever hope to experience. A glacially slow plod through its various systems, almost all of which you’ll have intimate knowledge of from a million other games (aim, shoot, punch), replete with laboured story scenes where disconnected voices blather on about nonsense that will only make sense nearer the end of the game.Outside of the most obvious action mechanics, Ian can also astral project and slow down time. Don’t get too excited, though – projection is used for little more than to disable security cameras or activate switches (in the form of pulsing clouds of bubbles ) during one of the game’s lengthy and tedious ‘white room’ sequences. And don’t expect to be flying about the place like Neo or Max Payne in slow motion; it literally just slightly slows down enemies.Related:You’ll need to use it, though, as Past Cure has some of the worst combat encounters seen in a game in the past 15 years. Once the tutorial finally ends, Ian is sent on a mission to a hotel – which has the largest and most nonsensical parking lot across most of its surface area. Here, cars are parked at angles and in places that would be almost physically impossible without hours of maneouvering.

All so identical guards can slowly patrol, waiting for Ian to arrive.Stealth is about as exciting as usual – either get spotted or don’t – with an amusingly matter-of-fact stealth kill as your reward for plodding up behind an enemy. Most of the time, though, you’ll be shooting.Gunplay has the potential to be fun. The raw action of shooting feels nice and there’s a satisfying head-snap when you reel off a headshot, plus some amusing ragdoll animations as they crumple to the floor.

However, that’s only when Past Cure actually deems that you direct-shot-to-the-cranium actually hit.The game has truly awful collision detection. One enemy took five bullets to the head before the final one actually ‘counted’. Action games in 2018 just don’t play like this anymore. Couple this with AI that would struggle to outthink an unconscious Danny Dyer, and you have an experience that’s as frustrating as it is boring.Other maddening decisions rear their head regularly, too.

Checkpointing is poor, often sending you back multiple encounters as punishment for one tiny mistake (or, more likely, because your bullets didn’t register). Signposting is inadequate: one section had me searching Ian’s rather nice seaside house for over 20 minutes looking for his ‘equipment’, with no real indication of what that was (it was his gun).Related:Such errors would be forgivable if the gameplay was remotely inspired, or even if the story lived up to the promise of its influences.

But when you reference Inception, actually have Moonlight Sonata playing as part of the story (either a misguided nod to Resident Evil, or the result of zero research), and use cinematic borders like The Evil Within, you’d better come up with something better than this.Past Cure won’t be held up as a shining example of how to represent mental health issues in games, either. Admittedly, there’s little point expecting subtlety and gravitas in a game this poor, but when you’re asked to top up your ‘sanity meter’ with blue pills, which also doubles as your ability to manipulate the laws of time and physics, it isn’t going to win any awards.Buy Past Cure from To top off a rather miserable experience, the PC code reviewed here ran poorly. With no graphical settings to change (despite the menu option to do so), it’s impossible to know if there are ingrained engine issues or whether problems are hardware specific.

Nevertheless, when the same room runs flawlessly one minute and skips like a scratched CD the next, it’s hard to lay the blame on the PC. VerdictThere’s always a temptation to cut indie studios some slack. Clearly, Past Cure has a much lower budget than most action games, and it’s refreshing that the team didn’t use crowdfunding to get their project off the ground.However, the game still asks for that most valuable of things from potential players: time. And I could never possibly recommend wasting that time with Past Cure.Sadly, the name says it all.

Ian’s House

O Call from Marcus

Answer the phone. The objective spoils who it is, so.. yeah, Ian will speak to Marcus..

O Pickup your equipment

Go downstairs and open the door to the training room (beside the kitchen) then go downstairs again. Enter the room to the right and grab Ian’s gun off the table to the left then choose to “Start mission”.

Crowley Arms Building - Garage

O Go to the double doors

Approach the double doors up ahead and to the left then examine the keypad on the wall beside the doors. The code doesn’t work so Ian must find another way into the parking garage.

It was a straight port of the PS3 version as far as I could tell, largely making the game more accessible and fixing the unfortunate stability issues. Fairy fencer f gameplay. Just under a year later, here we are with a shiny new PS4 port, with a shiny new sub-title.

O Find another way to the parking garage

Open the door across from the double doors then take the Adrenaline from the first aid cabinet. The Adrenaline is used with Directional pad up and it will restore your health. Interact with the vent cover. Ian must find something to open it, so turn around and grab the Screwdriver off the shelf near the red tray. Approach the vent cover and interact with it again to raise it.

Duck down with the crouch button (R3) then go through the air duct. A cutscene showing a camera will play once you reach the other side of the air duct. Use astral projection to move toward the camera then interact with it with the X button to destroy it. If a camera sees Ian, agents in the building will attack him, so always remember to destroy them. When you’re sneaking by enemies in the later areas, be sure to listen for cameras.

Hop over the railing that Ian was taking cover behind. Don’t go through the double doors just yet – run down the corridor to the right and take the Bluebird Stealth memo and the Security Notice on the white table. Go back and interact with the double doors to trigger a cutscene.

Sneak behind the agent up ahead and perform a stealth kill on him. While standing behind him, you’ll get a button prompt for killing him with stealth. Luckily, he can’t see Ian through the openings in the shelf that he steps behind, so simply crouch and move to the other side of the shelf then wait for him to turn and then stealth kill him. He will drop some Handgun Ammo. Open the next set of double doors.

Ian must steal a keycard from the agent in the hallway up ahead. Ian must crouch and get behind the agent then quickly tap the Triangle button for stealing the keycard when it appears. You can stealth kill him if you want. The thievery option mainly helps for an upcoming chapter. Open the door near the door back near the other door that Ian stepped through (it’s locked and Ian will use the keycard to open it).

Crowley Arms Building – Parking Garage A

The next room is long, so use the sprint button (L3) to dash to the other end. One thing to keep in mind about spring is that once the stamina gauge is completely filled, Ian will have to stop and catch his breath, leaving him stunned for quite a while, so keep this in mind when sprinting in an area with enemies. Open the door on the other side of the room and then the next door.

Take down the two agents in the parking garage with stealth. Simply wait for the first to come toward Ian then step out and stealth kill him and then take care of the other. The other agent might see the body of the other and run over to check him – use that opportunity to kill him if that incident happens. Take the handgun ammo from both of them then crouch up under the shutter in the back of the garage.

Stealth kill the agents in the area. If they see you, they will open fire and the agent with the white shirt will run toward Ian and try to punch him. Always keep in mind that agents dressed in white will rush Ian and try to melee him while the other stand back and open fire with their guns. If you stay in cover for too long, the agents with the guns might rush Ian as well. Use your time perception ability to help with aiming for headshots during battles in the garage. Keep in mind that the first headshot might not be enough to kill an agent, so always be ready for two headshots on each agents when slowing time.

Don’t immediately use your adrenaline to heal Ian after a battle. If you wait, Ian will recover his health automatically. He can actually recover ALL his health if you wait long enough.

One of the agents has a machine pistol, so be sure to grab it for an extra weapon. Check the first aid box along the wall on the other side of the garage to find another Adrenaline then open the door on the other side. Open the door in the next room and Ian will enter another garage. Carefully kill the agents with stealth. Don’t worry about using adrenalines if you take damage during a gunfight from now on since they are actually plenty available throughout this entire chapter. Duck through the shutter at the other end of the garage.

Crowley Arms Building – Parking Garage B

Take cover behind the railing. There is a camera on the wall directly ahead (near the closed door) and there is another camera on the wall to the left in around the middle portion of the garage, so use astral projection to destroy them while attempting to stealth kill. There is also a third camera above the exit door (to the right at the end of the garage). Agents will notice the explosion when destroying a camera so make sure to prepare for this as they run toward a damage camera to check it out.

You will likely get seen in this part of the garage eventually, so it pays to return to the railing to take cover. Blast all the agents in the head with the help of time perception. Take the Adrenaline from the first aid box in the room at the other end of the garage. Interact with the vent cover and Ian will get into the air duct. Move to the other end and Ian will exit the air duct.Don’t open the door to the right just yet. Move up the stairs then grab the ammo on the weapon cases near the door. Don’t open the door near the guns just yet – run upstairs and open the first aid box on the wall to get another Adrenaline.

Ian will have to face off against more agents in the next garage. He will start out behind a railing, which you should stay behind for most of the fight. Be wary of the sniper in the very back of the garage. It’s best to take him down as soon as you can since he will take some major damage from Ian if he shoots Ian. When you go to attack him, it’s best to activate time perception then try to get a headshot on him. Snipers can shoot Ian during time perception, so you have little time to precision aim. If you have to, activate time perception and just spam the sniper with gunfire in the body – use the handgun. After the battle, you can take the sniper’s Sniper Handgun if you want. It can take the place of either your machine pistol or normal handgun. The sniper handgun will often kill with a headshot, but it’s rate of fire is very bad. Open the door on the other side of the garage then take the Adrenaline from the first aid box to the right and then step into the next garage area.

Crowley Arms Building – Parking Garage B3

Ian will start out unseen in the next garage area. Use this to your advantage to kill one of the starting agents with a headshot. Stealth is almost nonexistant with the enemy patterns in this garage, so its best to open up with gunfire honestly. Shoot either the agent in white or the agent in the very back (sniper). The agents like to stay at long range and snipe at Ian in this garage, so you’ll have to dash ahead and seek new cover eventually. Be on the lookout for stragglers as you appear to have killed them all so new agents will enter toward the end of the battle.

Run to the other side of the garage and go left and you’ll have to fight some more agents. A sniper will be taking cover behind one of the railings further ahead. Open the door at the other end then enter the next garage.
It’s a good idea to take one of the sniper handguns for the next garage – it’s quite hard to shoot the sniper enemies in it without one.

Crowley Arms Building – Parking Garage B2

The agents inside will not be aware of Ian as he enters but it’s very hard to stealth kill much in this garage. Open up the battle by shooting the first two close agents in the head after activating time perception. An agent in white will rush Ian, so run back to the starting area (behind the wall) so you can fight him without the snipers shooting at Ian during the battle. Go back and kill any agents that try to rush Ian. When all agents are dead, the two snipers will stand back and try to shoot Ian from a distance. It’s a good idea to run to some further cover to get a better view of them when shooting at them. Interact with the vent duct to the right of the closed shutter directly ahead to continue after the battle. Go through the vent then exit from the other end.

Crowley Arms Building – Parking Garage C2

There is nothing downstairs, so go upstairs. Grab the ammo on the weapons cases by the door then take the Bluebird Hide note from the ground and check the first aid box for another Adrenaline. Enter the next garage when ready.

Kill the agent with the white shirt with a stealth kill. There is a first aid box on the wall to the left with an Adrenaline inside. Hide behind the left stack of crates when entering the next portion of the garage and wait for the agent up ahead to come toward Ian then stealth kill him as he walks away. Kill all the agents then work your way to the other side of the garage (to the left) and kill the remaining sniper agent.

Duck under the shutter and open the door to the right up ahead. Grab the ammo off the gun cases then take the two Adrenalines from the first aid box. Open the door to the left and step into the next garage. Kill all the enemies in the next garage then a cutscene will play that will end the chapter.

Players will unlock the “Parking Ticket”achievement/trophy for beating Chapter 4 - The Way Up.