Mansion Of Hidden Souls Walkthrough

Mansion Of Hidden Souls Walkthrough Rating: 4,7/5 6234 votes

The version of the game I played was made for the Sega CD and it had audio problems and had that pixel effect that nearly all Sega CD games that used movie footage had. So I am guessing the Saturn version was a lot cleaner and easier to hear so the reason the score for the game is so high is because the Saturn is the media most used to play this game. I played it on the Sega CD and while it was okay, it was also rather disappointing at the same time.

It had nice music, it had an interesting premise, but it was really short and there really was not much of a threat for your character during the game. I won this one during my younger days and I am kind of surprised I did as there was no internet back in the days to read up on a game as cryptic as this one was. The story has a brother and sister walking through the woods at night. They come across a butterfly and the sister foolishly follows it and ends up at a strange mansion. The girl disappears in the mansion so it is up to the brother that you will never see during the game to make his way through each room of the mansion in an effort to find his sister and getting them both out of the mansion before they end up as permanent residents there. The game has very simple controls as you mainly use the directional button to navigate the somewhat large mansion. Honestly, it is not all that big of a place.

Mansion of the Hidden Souls. Also known as: Yumemi Yataki no Monogatari Platforms: Sega CD, Saturn Release Date: 1993-12-09 Regions: USA Japan. Posted in 1993 Releases, Japan Releases, Saturn, Sega CD, USA Releases. Recent Posts. A Glance at Fatal Frame 5: Maiden of Black Water.

You can find a few keys and other items, but the interactivity is very low in this game. It is sort of like Shadowgate for the NES, but with less to do. This game is typical of a Sega CD game as it relies on the fact it has some video footage and voice overs to try to dupe you into thinking the game is better than it is. However, as with most games of this type, you have little to no control over things. You get your sister at one point and are talked to by this character called the hunter as your character jumps from pedestal to pedestal without you doing anything.

Still, it had enough interesting elements to make it somewhat fun to play through, just not a game I can see playing a whole lot as once you know what to do, the game is a cinch to win again.

Mansion of Hidden Souls - Walkthrough/guideGuide for The Mansion of Hidden SoulsSega Enterprises, LTD. 1995For Sega SaturnAll trademarks and copyrights contained in this documentare owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.This is not an official guide.-Liscence-Guide created by Dmitrisylvain 9/11/2008Copyright 2008 Dmitrisylvain AKA Zach PeakThis document is freely distributable under the following conditions:. Its content will remain unaltered. It will not used for profit in any way-Introduction-This probably one of the most hated Saturn games. Almost every review for itgives it low marks, as is also true for its Sega CD counterpart.

I'll admitthat it isn't a 'great' game, but it is an interesting play. Part of theproblem is that the game was marketed as an all-out fright-fest - which it isnot.

While the subject of a mansion where people go to become butterflies,forever forsaking the outside world is slightly creepy, the overall feel of thegame is of intrigue rather than sheer terror. However, the game does tell adecent story that's fun to watch unfold. Basically, if you're like me andhappened to like the Sega CD game, then you'll like this one at least almost asmuch.-About the Game-This game is a sequel to the Sega CD game of the same name.

In it you play therole of June, a butterfly who is one of the residents in the mansion. The moon,which is the source of the Mansion's power, has turned blood red. This is a badsign, and you must solve the mystery and save the Mansion. I don't have accessto the game's manual, which probably contains more back story, so sorry todisappoint.The game operates in the same way as its predecessor, with events beingunlocked by viewing certain events or taking certain actions. But thedifference is that there is no built in hint system (the BLACK PAINTING), so anunguided first playthrough of the game depends on a lot of trial and error,which is where this walkthrough comes in.

Although I will highlight a fewalternative choices along the way, this is not intended to show every possiblepath you can take in the game, but to show you how I beat it. I will try tomake it as spoiler free as possible. I hope you find it useful. Enjoy!-Controls-The control scheme is very simple.To move about the mansion, use the D-pad.Up is ForwardLeft turns you 90 degrees to the left.Right turns you 90 degrees to the right.Down has no function.To examine something, face it and push up (not everything is examineable)To access the item menu, press X. Use left and right to scroll through itemsand A to select. B exits the item menu.In conversations, you have to press buttons to answer questions. The onlyanswers are 'yes' A button and 'no' C Button-Layout of the Mansion-The mansion has been redesigned in this sequel, so if you have played the SegaCD version, don't go looking for things in the same place, or you will bedisappointed.Like the first game, the mansion is divied into two floors.FIRST FLOOREntrance Hall.

It looks identical to the one in the previous game, but thedoors lead to different rooms and a new door has been added. The first door to the right is Elder's room.

It is a library. The second door on the right is June's room.

It contains a desk on the rightand a nightstand with a diary on it on the left. If you wish to save, you willneed to come to this room and use the diary. The first door on the left is Raymond's room. It is similar to room with thefireplace in the first game, but looks more like a bedroom. The second door on the left is Cathy's room. It is nearly identical to theRed Bedroom of the first game, but is filled with toys. The doors under the staircase simply offer a shortcut to the other side ofthe room (just like the first game!)SECOND FLOORThe second floor has had a lot of rooms added to it since the first game.

After going up the stairs, if you turn right you will reach a corner with twodoors. The door to your left is Mike's room. It is similar to the Music Room inthe first game. The other door is unopenable from this side. Going past Mike's room, to the end of the walkway is another door. This leadsto Jossie's room, which you will recognize as the Game Room from the firstgame. The BLACK PAINTING is still here, or at least its frame is.

But itdoesn't give you any hints. On the other side of the stairs, there is another corner with two doors.Coming from the staircase, the door in front of you is Nezumi's Room. It'sreally messy.

The door next to Nezumi's is Sean's room. It's a rather sparse bedroom. Going around the corner to the other end of the walkway is another door. Thisis Danny's room. It looks like a shooting range crossed with a gun museum.-Walkthrough-I suggest setting the game to 'Easy Mode', as it will display a controller iconwhenever you have to make a 'yes' or 'no' decision.When you start the game, you will be facing the staircase.

Turn to the rightand walk forward to the door to Elder's room. Go inside and walk forward to thedesk and Elder will talk to you. Mike soon joins you, and he will be with youfor the rest of the game. Elder will ask if you have noticed how strange themoon looks tonight. Answer 'yes.' He will also ask you if you will help himinvestigate. Again, answer 'yes.'

Leave Elder's room and go to the other side of the Entrance hall. The doordirectly in front of you will be Raymond's room. Go inside and turn right.Raymond will talk to you and ask if you want to hear about his adventures. Tellhim 'yes.' After he talks for a while, he will ask if you feel that violentacts are out of place in the mansion. Tell him yes, and he will tell you tofind Jossie and get your fortune told.But before we do that, let's visit Cathy. Exit Raymond's room and turn left andwalk forward.

Go in the door you are facing. Mike will say it looks like Cathyisn't in right now, but keep walking through her room, through the veiled doorand you will find her. She'll ask if you want to play.

Tell her yes, and shewill tell you a 'scary story.' When Mike asks you if you were scared, if yousay yes he makes fun of you. It doesn't really matter how you answer here.Now, to find Jossie. Exit Cathy's room and go up the stairs.

Turn right,andwalk forward, the turn right and walk forward again. Enter the door at the endof this walkway, and go to the right and walk to the round table and Jossiewill talk to you. She asks if she can help you. Tell her 'yes' and she willgive you a tarot reading. Afterward she will offer you her deck of cards. PressA to accept.

The cards are really nothing more than a novelty. If you use thecards, a card will be drawn from the deck, and depending on what room you're inthe card will be different.

For example the card for Jossie's room is TheMagician. Walk to the other end of the room and out the door.In the walkway again, there wll be a door to your left. This is Mikes's room,but it is currently locked. Walk forward to the other side of the stairs. Thedoor in front of you is Nezumi's room. Go in and talk to him. He will tell youto come back later (answer 'yes').

The door to the right of Nezumi's room isSean's. Go inside and look around. Mike will wonder where Sean has run off to.There's nothing really to do here yet, so go back to the walkway.Walk to the end of the walkway you'll find another door. This is Danny's room.Go inside and turn right and walk through the swinging doors to find Danny.He'll ask why you're here.

Exit his room and go back to Sean's. Lookaround Sean's room and he'll come rushing out of the flower pot after a crashis heard. Do as Mike says and go to his room.Mikes room has been ransacked. Turn left to look at the piano and Mike will askyou to look for a blue book on the floor. Push forward to look down.

Pushforward again to take a closer look at the red Bach music book. You now havethe LIGHTER.

Exit Mike's room, and then go visit Elder to tell him the badnews. Press A when he asks what has you so worked up. After talking to Elder,go back the Entrance Hall. Mike will ask you if you agree with him. It doesn'tmatter how you answer. Now the investigation begins.Go to Raymond's room and talk to him. He will be very confused.

Say 'yes' whenthe controller icon shows up the first time. But when he asks if you think heis a suspect tell him 'no.' When he asks is you can believe his story, say'yes' again. When he tells you to leave, go back to the Entrance Hall.Go to Sean's room and talk to him. When Sean ask you if you think Danny is theculprit, say 'yes.' Got to Nezumi's room and talk to him. He'll ask if you have something to trade.Tell him 'no.'

Then go back down to June's room, on the right side of thestairs on the first floor, past Elder's room. Examine the desk.

You now have aCOIN with a crescent moon on it to trade with Nezumi. Go back to Nezumi,andwhen he offer's to trade, say 'yes' and go to the item menu to retrieve theCOIN. Now he will talk to you.

When he asks if you suspect him, tell him 'no.' Go back to the walkway.Go to Danny's room and talk to him. Mike will ask you to take out the lighter.Press A, and then retrieve the lighter from the item menu. When Danny asks ifyou suspect him, say 'no.'

After he tells you his life story, he will ask thisagain. Again, tell him 'no.'

Ceramic This type of knife is created using powdered zirconium dioxide, commonly known as zirconia or zircons, under extreme heat and pressure. Blade and sword art. Damascus metal has a highly distinctive pattern of wavy lines running deep into the material. It has a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale compared to 4.5 for steel.What materials are used to make the handles?Materials used to make the handles include metal, natural, and synthetic:. Damascus metal: Uses an ancient technique of layering iron and steel in a forge, then hammering them flat, folding them over, hammering them flat, and folding them over again and again.

Go to Cathy's room and talk to her. When she says 'You didn't trust Danny?' Go to Elder's room and talk to him. After this scene you will go back to theEntrance Hall automatically. Try to go to Raymond's room. Go intoCathy's room again.

She'll ask you to play with her. If you say yes, she'llplay a very upbeat piece of music for you. When it's over, you'll go back tothe Entrance Hall automatically.Go into Jossies room. You'll find that she is nowhere to be found. Go intoNezumi's room. He's gone too, until you turn to leave that is. He'll ask you tohelp him.

When he asks you to believe him, say 'yes.' When he asksif there is anything he can to, say 'yes.' After the conversation, turn aroundto take the secret passage to Raymond's room by examining the book case.

ButRaymond isn't in his room.Go to Sean's room and talk to him. When he asks if the culprit was Danny, tellhim 'no.' If you tell him yes, and that you told Danny that Sean suspectedhim. Sean will have his Venus' Flytrap kill youGo to Danny's room and talk to him. Go back to Raymond's room and examine smallpicture frame next to the book case and vase of orange flowers.

You now havethe GEMSTONE OF REBIRTH.Go to Sean's room and talk to him. When he asks if Raymond is going to killeveryone, say 'no.' When he asks if we can succeed, say 'yes.' He will give youa WATCH for protection.Go into Mike's room. He will ask if you know how Elder came to the mansion.

Ifyou answer 'no' he will relate the story to you.Go to Cathy's room and look around. When you find her, she will ask you to helpher.

Go to Jossie's room and walk around to find her by the pool table. She willtell that Elder is calling for you and Mike.

Go to his room to talk to hisspirit. This will start a long cut scene in which you travel to the Sanctuary.This area is based on the room where Samantha was turned into a butterfly inthe first game. When you arrive in the Sanctuary, Mike will ask you to use theGEMSTONE OF REBIRTH.

Say 'yes' and retrieve it from the item menu. If you say'no' it's game over. The cutscene continues as the ending of the gameunfolds,followed by the ending credits. I won't go into details, but I find theending a little unsettling. Mostly the part about Kandolla. But oh well.Congratulations, you've won the game!.CAST.Mike - The HierophantElder - The EmperorCathy - The LoverNezumi - The HermitJossie - The MagicianDanny - The StrengthSean - The Hanged ManRaymond - The TowerHunter - The SunKandolla - The Moon.