Island Tribe 2 Level 3

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Solomon Island warriors, armed with spears, on board an ornamented war canoe (1895)The first European to visit the islands was the Spanish navigator, coming from in 1568.Some of the earliest and most regular foreign visitors to the islands were vessels from Britain, the United States and Australia. They came for food, wood and water from late in the 18th century and, later, took aboard islanders to serve as crewmen on their ships. Relations between the islanders and visiting seamen was not always good and sometimes there was violence and bloodshed.Missionaries began visiting the Solomons in the mid-19th century. They made little progress at first, because ' (the often brutal recruitment or kidnapping of labourers for the in and ) led to. The evils of the slave trade prompted the United Kingdom to declare a protectorate over the southern Solomons in June 1893.In 1898 and 1899, more outlying islands were added to the protectorate; in 1900 the remainder of the archipelago, was transferred to British administration, apart from the islands of and, which remained under German administration as part of. Traditional trade and social intercourse between the western Solomon Islands of Mono and Alu (the Shortlands) and the traditional societies in the south of Bougainville, however, continued without hindrance.Missionaries settled in the Solomons under the protectorate, converting most of the population to Christianity.

In the early 20th century several British and Australian firms began large-scale coconut planting. Economic growth was slow, however, and the islanders benefited little.Journalist visited in 1892, as part of his undercover investigation into blackbirding.

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In 1908 the islands were visited by, who was cruising the Pacific on his boat, the Snark.Second World War The Solomon Islands were one of the major staging areas of the South Pacific and was home to the famous commanded. 'The Slot' was a name for, when it was used by the to supply the Japanese garrison on Guadalcanal. Of more than 36,000 Japanese on Guadalcanal, about 26,000 were killed or missing, 9,000 died of disease, and 1,000 were captured. American shell case - relic from World War ll salvaged from 'Iron Bottom Sound' in the mid 1970sIndependence (1978) Local councils were established in the 1950s as the islands stabilised from the aftermath of the Second World War. A new constitution was established in 1970 and elections were held, although the constitution was contested and a new one was created in 1974. In 1973 the first oil price shock occurred, and the increased cost of running a colony became apparent to British administrators.Following the independence of neighbouring from Australia in 1975, the Solomon Islands gained self-government in 1976. Independence was granted on 7 July 1978.

The first Prime Minister was Sir, and Solomon Islands retained the monarchy.In September 2012, the and of Cambridge visited the islands to mark the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II. The Five Dollar Proof Coin of the Solomon Islands 24 October 1977Ethnic violence (1998–2003) Commonly referred to as the tensions or the ethnic tension, the initial civil unrest was mainly characterised by fighting between the (also known as the Guadalcanal Revolutionary Army) and the (as well as the Marau Eagle Force). (Although much of the conflict was between Guales and Malaitans, Kabutaulaka (2001) and Dinnen (2002) argue that the 'ethnic conflict' label is an oversimplification.)In late 1998, militants on the island of Guadalcanal began a campaign of intimidation and violence towards Malaitan settlers. During the next year, thousands of Malaitans fled back to Malaita or to the capital, Honiara (which, although situated on Guadalcanal, is predominantly populated by Malaitans and Solomon Islanders from other provinces). In 1999, the Malaita Eagle Force (MEF) was established in response.The reformist government of struggled to respond to the complexities of this evolving conflict.

In late 1999, the government declared a four-month state of emergency. There were also a number of attempts at reconciliation but to no avail. Ulufa'alu also requested assistance from Australia and New Zealand in 1999 but his appeal was rejected.In the, Ulufa'alu was kidnapped by militia members of the MEF who felt that, although he was a Malaitan, he was not doing enough to protect their interests.

Ulufa'alu subsequently resigned in exchange for his release., who had earlier been Finance Minister in Ulufa'alu's government but had subsequently joined the opposition, was elected as Prime Minister by 23–21 over the Rev. However, Sogavare's election was immediately shrouded in controversy because six MPs (thought to be supporters of Boseto) were unable to attend parliament for the crucial vote (Moore 2004, n.5 on p. 174).In October 2000, the was signed by the Malaita Eagle Force, elements of the IFM, and the Solomon Islands Government. This was closely followed by the Marau Peace agreement in February 2001, signed by the Marau Eagle Force, the Isatabu Freedom Movement, the Guadalcanal Provincial Government, and the Solomon Islands Government.

However, a key Guale militant leader, refused to sign the agreement, causing a split with the Guale groups. Subsequently, Guale signatories to the agreement led by Andrew Te'e joined with the Malaitan-dominated police to form the 'Joint Operations Force'.

During the next two years the conflict moved to the Weathercoast of Guadalcanal as the Joint Operations unsuccessfully attempted to capture Keke and his group.New elections in December 2001 brought into the Prime Minister's chair with the support of his People's Alliance Party and the Association of Independent Members. Law and order deteriorated as the nature of the conflict shifted: there was continuing violence on the Weathercoast while militants in Honiara increasingly turned their attention to crime and extortion. The Department of Finance would often be surrounded by armed men when funding was due to arrive. In December 2002, Finance Minister resigned after being forced at gunpoint to sign a cheque made out to some of the militants.

Conflict also broke out in Western Province between locals and Malaitan settlers. Renegade members of the (BRA) were invited in as a protection force but ended up causing as much trouble as they prevented.The prevailing atmosphere of lawlessness, widespread extortion, and ineffective police prompted a formal request by the Solomon Islands Government for outside help. With the country bankrupt and the capital in chaos, the request was unanimously supported in Parliament.In July 2003, Australian and Pacific Island police and troops arrived in Solomon Islands under the auspices of the Australian-led (RAMSI). A sizeable international security contingent of 2,200 police and troops, led by Australia and New Zealand, and with representatives from about 20 other Pacific nations, began arriving the next month under.

Since this time some commentators have considered the country a. However, other academics argue that rather than being a 'failed state', it is an unformed state: a state that never consolidated even after decades of independence.In April 2006, allegations that the newly elected Prime Minister had used bribes from Chinese businessmen to buy the votes of members of Parliament led to mass rioting in the capital. A deep underlying resentment against the minority business community led to much of in the city being destroyed. Tensions were also increased by the belief that large sums of money were being exported to China. China sent chartered aircraft to evacuate hundreds of Chinese who fled to avoid the riots.

Evacuation of Australian and British citizens was on a much smaller scale. Additional Australian, New Zealand and Fijian police and troops were dispatched to try to quell the unrest. Rini eventually resigned before facing a motion of no-confidence in Parliament, and Parliament elected as Prime Minister.Earthquakes. Main articles: andOn 2 April 2007 at 07:39:56 local time an earthquake with magnitude 8.1 occurred at hypocenter S8.453 E156.957, 349 kilometres (217 miles) northwest of the island's capital, and south-east of the capital of, at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

More than 44 aftershocks with magnitude 5.0 or greater occurred up until 22:00:00 UTC, Wednesday, 4 April 2007. A followed killing at least 52 people, destroying more than 900 homes and leaving thousands of people homeless. Land upthrust extended the shoreline of one island, by up to 70 metres (230 ft) exposing many once pristine coral reefs.On 6 February 2013, an earthquake with magnitude of 8.0 occurred at epicentre S10.80 E165.11 in the Santa Cruz Islands followed by a tsunami up to 1.5 metres.

At least nine people were killed and many houses demolished. The main quake was preceded by a sequence of earthquakes with a magnitude of up to 6.0.Politics. Ministry of the InteriorSolomon Islands is a and has a of government. As, is; she is represented by the who is chosen by the Parliament for a five-year term. There is a parliament of 50 members, elected for four-year terms. However, Parliament may be dissolved by majority vote of its members before the completion of its term.Parliamentary representation is based on single-member constituencies. Suffrage is universal for citizens over age 21.

The is the, who is elected by Parliament and chooses the. Each ministry is headed by a cabinet member, who is assisted by a, a career public servant who directs the staff of the ministry.Solomon Islands governments are characterised by weak political parties (see ) and highly unstable parliamentary coalitions.

They are subject to frequent, leading to frequent changes in government leadership and cabinet appointments.Land ownership is reserved for Solomon Islanders. The law provides that resident expatriates, such as the Chinese and, may obtain citizenship through naturalisation.

Land generally is still held on a family or village basis and may be handed down from mother or father according to local custom. The islanders are reluctant to provide land for nontraditional economic undertakings, and this has resulted in continual disputes over land ownership.No military forces are maintained by Solomon Islands although a police force of nearly 500 includes a border protection unit. The police also are responsible for fire service, disaster relief, and maritime surveillance. The police force is headed by a commissioner, appointed by the governor-general and responsible to the prime minister. On 27 December 2006, the Solomon Islands Government took steps to prevent the country's Australian police chief from returning to the Pacific nation. On 12 January 2007, Australia replaced its top diplomat expelled from Solomon Islands for political interference in a conciliatory move aimed at easing a four-month dispute between the two countries.On 13 December 2007, Prime Minister was toppled by a vote of no confidence in Parliament, following the defection of five ministers to the opposition.

It was the first time a prime minister had lost office in this way in Solomon Islands. On 20 December, Parliament elected the opposition's candidate (and former Minister for Education) as Prime Minister, in a vote of 32 to 15. Judiciary. Main article:The Governor General appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.

The Governor General appoints the other justices with the advice of a judicial commission. The (based in the United Kingdom) serves as the highest appellate court. The current Chief Justice is Sir Albert Palmer.Since March 2014 Justice Edwin Goldsbrough has served as the President of the Court of Appeal for Solomon Islands. Justice Goldsbrough has previously served a five-year term as a Judge of the High Court of Solomon Islands (2006–2011). Justice Edwin Goldsbrough then served as the Chief Justice of the. Foreign relations.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister meets with Republic of China (Taiwan) President in July 2016Solomon Islands is a member of the, and the (ACP).Until September 2019, it was one of the few countries to recognise the and maintain formal diplomatic relations with the latter. Relations with Papua New Guinea, which had become strained because of an influx of refugees from the rebellion and attacks on the northern islands of Solomon Islands by elements pursuing, have been repaired. A 1998 peace accord on Bougainville removed the armed threat, and the two nations regularised border operations in a 2004 agreement. In March 2017, at the 34th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, made a joint statement on behalf of Solomon Islands and some other Pacific nations raising human rights violations in the, which has been occupied by Indonesia since 1963, and requested that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights produce a report. Indonesia rejected Vanuatu's allegations. More than 100,000 Papuans have died during a 50-year.

In September 2017, at the, the Prime Ministers of the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu once again raised human rights abuses in Indonesian-occupied West Papua. Military Although the locally recruited was part of taking part in fighting in the Solomons during the Second World War, the country has not had any regular military forces since independence. The various paramilitary elements of the (RSIPF) were disbanded and disarmed in 2003 following the intervention of the.

RAMSI has a small military detachment headed by an Australian commander with responsibilities for assisting the police element of RAMSI in internal and external security. The RSIPF still operates two (RSIPV Auki and RSIPV Lata), which constitute the de facto navy of Solomon Islands.In the long term, it is anticipated that the RSIPF will resume the defence role of the country. The police force is headed by a commissioner, appointed by the and responsible to the Minister of Police, National Security & Correctional Services.The police budget of Solomon Islands has been strained due to a four-year civil war. Following 's strike on the islands of and in December 2002, Australia had to provide the Solomon Islands government with 200,000 Solomon dollars ($50,000 Australian) for fuel and supplies for the patrol boat Lata to sail with relief supplies. (Part of the work of RAMSI includes assisting the Solomon Islands government to stabilise its budget.)Administrative divisions. Main article:For local government, the country is divided into ten administrative areas, of which nine are provinces administered by elected provincial assemblies and the tenth is the capital Honiara, administered by the Honiara Town Council.#ProvinceCapitalPremierArea(km²)Population1999Populationper km² (2009)Population20091Patrick Vasuni2.426,0512Jackson Kiloe3.926,3713Anthony Veke5,7.593,6134James Habu4.326,1585Stanley Siapu3,2.740,4196Peter Ramohia4,22.6137,5967George Tuhaika6712,37Fr. Charles Brown Beu3.921,3629David Gina5,4.076,649–Mua (Mayor)2249,1072,936.864,609Solomon Islands–28,44.7515,8701 excluding the Capital Territory of Honiara.

IslandSolomon Islands is an island nation that lies east of Papua New Guinea and consists of many islands:, the; the;; the; (the );;;;;;; ;;; the and the remote, tiny outliers, and.The country's islands lie between latitudes and, and longitudes. The distance between the westernmost and easternmost islands is about 1,500 kilometres (930 mi).

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The Santa Cruz Islands (of which Tikopia is part) are situated north of and are especially isolated at more than 200 kilometres (120 mi) from the other islands. Is geographically part of the Solomon Islands archipelago but politically part of Papua New Guinea.Climate The islands' ocean-equatorial climate is extremely humid throughout the year, with a mean temperature of 26.5 °C (79.7 °F) and few extremes of temperature or weather. June through August is the cooler period. Though seasons are not pronounced, the northwesterly winds of November through April bring more frequent rainfall and occasional squalls or cyclones. The annual rainfall is about 3,050 millimetres (120 in).Ecology The Solomon Islands is part of two distinct. Most of the islands are part of the ecoregion, which also includes the islands of Bougainville and Buka; these forests have come under pressure from forestry activities.

The Santa Cruz Islands are part of the ecoregion, together with the neighbouring archipelago of Vanuatu. Soil quality ranges from extremely rich volcanic (there are with varying degrees of activity on some of the larger islands) to relatively infertile limestone. More than 230 varieties of orchids and other tropical flowers brighten the landscape. Mammals are scarce on the islands, with the only terrestrial mammals being bats and small rodents. Birds and reptiles, however, are abundant. The islands contain several active and dormant volcanoes. The Tinakula and volcanoes are the most active.Water and sanitation.

Solomon Islands government information poster in, from the mid-1970sSee also:Scarcity of fresh water sources and lack of sanitation has been a constant challenge facing Solomon Islands. Reducing the number of those living without access to fresh water and sanitation by half was one of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) implemented by the United Nations through Goal 7, to ensure environmental sustainability. Though the islands generally have access to fresh water sources, it is typically only available in the state's capital of Honiara, and it is not guaranteed all year long. According to a UNICEF report, even the capital's poorest communities do not have access to adequate places to relieve their waste, and an estimated 70% Solomon Island schools have no access to safe and clean water for drinking, washing and relieving of waste. Lack of safe drinking water in school-age children results in high risks of contracting fatal diseases such as cholera and typhoid. The number of Solomon Islanders living with piped drinking water has been decreasing since 2011, while those living with non-piped water increased between 2000 and 2010.


Nevertheless, one improvement is that those living with non-piped water has been decreasing consistently since 2011.In addition, the Solomon Islands Second Rural Development Program, enacted in 2014 and active until 2020, has been working to deliver competent infrastructure and other vital services to rural areas and villages of the Solomon Islands, which suffer the most from lack of safe drinking water and proper sanitation. Through improved infrastructure, services and resources, the program has also encouraged farmers and other agricultural sectors, through community-driven efforts, to connect them to the market, thus promoting economic growth. Rural villages such as Bolava, found in the Western Province of Solomon Islands, have benefited greatly from the program, with the implementation of water tanks and rain catchment and water storage systems. Not only has the improved infrastructure increased the quality of life in Solomon Islands, the services are also operated and developed by the community, thus creating a sense of communal pride and achievement among those previously living in hazardous conditions. The program is funded by various international development actors such as the World Bank, European Union, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the Australian and Solomon Islands governments. One of the most important roads on the North coast of Guadalcanal in TambokoSolomon Islands' per-capita GDP of $600 ranks it as a lesser developed nation, and more than 75% of its labour force is engaged in and fishing.

Most manufactured goods and petroleum products must be imported. Only 3.9% of the area of the islands are used for agriculture, and 78.1% are covered by forests making the Solomon Islands the 103th ranked country covered by forests worldwide.ExportUntil 1998, when world prices for tropical timber fell steeply, timber was Solomon Islands' main export product, and, in recent years, Solomon Islands forests were dangerously. In the wake of the ethnic violence in June 2000, exports of palm oil and gold ceased while exports of timber fell.RecentlySolomon Islands courts have re-approved the export of live dolphins for profit, most recently to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This practice was originally stopped by the government in 2004 after international uproar over a shipment of 28 live dolphins to Mexico. The move resulted in criticism from both Australia and New Zealand as well as several conservation organisations.AgricultureOther important cash crops and exports include,. In 2017 317,682 tons of coconuts were harvested making the country the 18th ranked producer of coconuts worldwide, and 24% of the exports corresponded to copra. Cocoa beans are mainly grown on the islands Guadalcanal, Makira and Malaita.

In 2017 4,940 tons of cocoa beans were harvested making the Solomon Islands the 27th ranked producer of cocoa worldwide. Growth of production and export of copra and cacao, however, is hampered by old age of most coconut and cacao trees. In 2017 285,721 tons of palm oil were produced,making Solomon Islands the 24th ranked producer of palm oil worldwide. The agriculture on the Solomon Islands is hampered by a very severe lack of agricultural machines.For the local market but not for export many families grow (2017: 45,901 tons), rice (2017: 2,789 tons), (2017: 44,940 tons) and bananas (2017: 313 tons). Tobacco (2017: 118 tons) and spices (2017: 217 tons). Are grown for the local market as well.MiningIn 1998 gold mining began at on Guadalcanal. Minerals exploration in other areas continued.The islands are rich in undeveloped mineral resources such as lead, nickel, and gold.

Negotiations are underway that may lead to the eventual reopening of the Gold Ridge mine which was closed after the riots in 2006.FisheriesSolomon Islands' fisheries also offer prospects for export and domestic economic expansion. A Japanese joint venture, Solomon Taiyo Ltd., which operated the only fish cannery in the country, closed in mid-2000 as a result of the ethnic disturbances. Though the plant has reopened under local management, the export of tuna has not resumed.TourismTourism, particularly diving, could become an important service industry for Solomon Islands. Tourism growth, however, is hampered by lack of infrastructure and transportation limitations. In 2017 the Solomon Islands were visited by 26,000 tourists making the country one of the least frequently-visited countries of the world.

The Government hopes to increase the number of tourists up to 30,000 by the end of 2019 and up to 60,000 tourists per year by the end of 2025.CurrencyThe ( code: SBD) was introduced in 1977, replacing the Australian dollar at par. Its symbol is 'SI$', but the 'SI' prefix may be omitted if there is no confusion with other currencies also using the '$'. It is subdivided into 100. Local is still important for traditional and ceremonial purposes in certain provinces and, in some remote parts of the country, for trade. Shell money was a widely used traditional currency in the Pacific Islands, in Solomon Islands, it is mostly manufactured in and but can be bought elsewhere, such as the. The system often replaces money of any kind in remote areas.The Solomon Islands Government was insolvent by 2002. Since the intervention in 2003, the government has recast its budget.

It has consolidated and renegotiated its domestic debt and with Australian backing, is now seeking to renegotiate its foreign obligations. Principal aid donors are Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, Japan and Taiwan.Energy A team of renewable energy developers working for the (SOPAC) and funded by the (REEEP), have developed a scheme that allows local communities to access renewable energy, such as solar, water and wind power, without the need to raise substantial sums of cash. Under the scheme, islanders who are unable to pay for solar lanterns in cash may pay instead in kind with crops. Infrastructure Flight connections connects Honiara to Nadi in, in and in as well as to more than 20 domestic airports in each province of the country. To promote tourism Solomon Airlines introduced a weekly direct flight connection between Brisbane and in 2019.

Connects Honiara to Brisbane twice a week. Most of the domestic airports are accessible to small planes only as they have short, grass runways.Roads The road system in Solomon Islands is insufficient and there are no railways. The most important roads connect Honiara to Lambi (58 km) in the western part of Guadalcanal and to Aola (75 km) in the eastern part. There are few buses and these do not circulate according to a fixed timetable. In Honiara there is no bus terminus. The most important bus stop is in front of the Central Market.Ferries Most of the islands can be reached by ferry from Honiara. There is a daily connection from Honiara to Auki via Tulagi by a high speed catamaran.Demographics.

Further information:While English is the official language, only 1–2% of the population are able to communicate fluently in English. However, an English creole, Solomons, is a de facto of the country spoken by the majority of the population, along with local tribal languages. Pijin is closely related to spoken in Papua New Guinea.The number of local languages listed for Solomon Islands is 74, of which 70 are living languages and 4 are extinct, according to Ethnologue, Languages of the World. (predominantly of the ) are spoken on the central islands. Are spoken on and to the south, and to the far east, to the north east, and Luaniua to the north (, also known as ).

The immigrant population of Gilbertese speaks a.Religion. Catholic Church in Tanagai on GuadalcanalThe religion of Solomon Islands is mainly Christian (comprising about 92% of the population).

The main Christian denominations are: the Anglican (35%), (19%), (17%), (11%) and (10%). Other Christian denominations are, New Apostolic Church (80 churches) and (LDS Church).Another 5% adhere to aboriginal beliefs.

The remaining adhere to, the. According to the most recent reports, is made up of approximately 350 Muslims, including members of the. Health Female life expectancy at birth was at 66.7 years and male life expectancy at birth at 64.9 in 2007.

1990–1995 fertility rate was at 5.5 births per woman. Government expenditure on health per capita was at US$99 (PPP). Healthy life expectancy at birth is at 60 years.Blond hair occurs in 10% of the population in the islands. After years of questions, studies have resulted in the better understanding of the blond gene.

The findings show that the blond hair trait is due to an amino acid change of protein. This accounts for the highest occurrence of blond hair outside of European influence in the world. While 10% of Solomon Islanders display the blond phenotype, about 26% of the population carry the recessive trait for it as well. Education. Campus of the University of the South Pacific in HoniaraFrom 1990 to 1994, the gross primary school enrolment rose from 84.5 percent to 96.6 percent. Primary school attendance rates were unavailable for Solomon Islands as of 2001.

While enrolment rates indicate a level of commitment to education, they do not always reflect children's participation in school. The Department of Education and Human Resource Development efforts and plans to expand educational facilities and increase enrolment. However, these actions have been hindered by a lack of government funding, misguided teacher training programs, poor co-ordination of programs, and a failure of the government to pay teachers. The percentage of the government's budget allocated to education was 9.7 percent in 1998, down from 13.2 percent in 1990. Male educational attainment tends to be higher than female educational attainment.The has a Campus at as a foothold in the country while this University has established by Papua New Guinea.The literacy rate of the adult population amounted to 84.1% in 2015 (men 88,9%, women 79,23%).

Traditional painting and wood carving in the National Museum in HoniaraThe reflects the extent of the differentiation and diversity among the groups living within the, which lies within in the, with the peoples distinguished by island, language, topography, and geography. The cultural area includes the nation state of Solomon Islands and the, which is a part of.Solomon Islands includes some societies which lie outside the main region of Polynesian influence, known as the. There are seven within the Solomon Islands:, and.Solomon Islands arts and crafts cover a wide range of woven objects, carved wood, stone and shell artefacts in styles specific to different provinces.:. Wooden religious objects in front of All Saints' Church, HoniaraGender inequality and domestic violence Solomon Islands has one of the highest rates of family and sexual violence (FSV) in the world, with 64% of women aged 15–49 having reported physical and/or sexual abuse by a partner. As per a (WHO) report issued in 2011, 'the causes of Gender Based Violence (GBV) are multiple, but it primarily stems from gender inequality and its manifestations.'

The report stated:'In Solomon Islands, GBV has been largely normalized: 73% of men and 73% of women believe violence against women is justifiable, especially for infidelity and 'disobedience,' as when women do 'not live up to the gender roles that society imposes.' For example, women who believed they could occasionally refuse sex were four times more likely to experience GBV from an intimate partner.

Men cited acceptability of violence and gender inequality as two main reasons for GBV, and almost all of them reported hitting their female partners as a 'form of discipline,' suggesting that women could improve the situation by 'learning to obey them.' 'Another manifestation and driver of gender inequality in Solomon Islands is the traditional practice of. Although specific customs vary between communities, paying a bride price is considered similar to a property title, giving men ownership over women.

Gender norms of masculinity tend to encourage men to 'control' their wives, often through violence, while women felt that bride prices prevented them from leaving men. Another report issued by the WHO in 2013 painted a similarly grim picture.In 2014, Solomon Islands officially launched the Family Protection Act 2014, which was aimed at curbing domestic violence in the country. While numerous other interventions are being developed and implemented in the healthcare system as well as the criminal justice system, these interventions are still in their infancy and have largely stemmed from Western protocols. Therefore, for these models to be effective, time and commitment is needed to change the cultural perception of domestic violence in Solomon Islands.

Literature. Further information:Writers from Solomon Islands include the novelists and John Saunana and the poet Jully Makini.Media NewspapersThere is one daily newspaper, the, one daily online news website, Solomon Times Online (, two weekly papers, Solomons Voice and Solomon Times, and two monthly papers, Agrikalsa Nius and the Citizen's Press.RadioRadio is the most influential type of media in Solomon Islands due to language differences, illiteracy, and the difficulty of receiving television signals in some parts of the country. The (SIBC) operates public radio services, including the national stations 1037 on the dial and 96.3, and the provincial stations and, formerly, Radio Temotu. There are two commercial FM stations, Z FM at 99.5 in Honiara but receivable over a large majority of island out from Honiara, and, PAOA FM at 97.7 in Honiara (also broadcasting on 107.5 in Auki), and, one community FM radio station, Gold Ridge FM on 88.7.TelevisionThere are no TV services that cover the entire Solomon Islands, but satellite TV stations can be received.

However, in Honiara, there is a free-to-air service called TTV, operated by Telekom Television Ltd. And rebroadcast. Residents can also subscribe to SATSOL, a digital pay TV service, re-transmitting satellite television.Music. Main article:: The has played internationals since 1969. It took part in the Oceania qualifying tournament for the 2003 and 2007 Rugby World Cups, but did not qualify on either occasion.: The has proved among the most successful in Oceania and is part of the OFC confederation in FIFA.

They are currently ranked 141st out of 210 teams in the FIFA World Rankings. The team became the first team to beat New Zealand in qualifying for a play-off spot against Australia for qualification to the. They were defeated 7–0 in Australia and 2–1 at home.: Closely related to Association Football. On 14 June 2008, the, the Kurukuru, won the Oceania Futsal Championship in Fiji to qualify them for the, which was held in Brazil from 30 September to 19 October 2008. Solomon Islands is the futsal defending champions in the Oceania region.

In 2008 and 2009 the Kurukuru won the Oceania Futsal Championship in Fiji. In 2009 they defeated the host nation 8–0 to claim the title.

The Kurukuru currently hold the world record for the fastest ever goal scored in an official futsal match. It was set by Kurukuru captain Elliot Ragomo, who scored against three seconds into the game in July 2009. They also, however, hold the less enviable record for the worst defeat in the history of thewhen in 2008 they were beaten by with two goals to thirty-one.: The, the Bilikiki Boys, are statistically the most successful team in Oceania. They have won all three to date, thereby qualifying on each occasion for the. The Bilikiki Boys are ranked fourteenth in the world as of 2010, higher than any other team from Oceania. See also.