Dragonian Beast

Dragonian Beast Rating: 4,9/5 1622 votes

Disclaimers: I do not own Escaflowne

Hmmm… First Esca story, I couldn't help making this. Enjoy!

Mar 22, 2018  Adrienne Woods resides with her family in South Africa where she was born and raised. She has been writing for the past seven years with Firebolt as her debut novel in the Dragonian Series. Thunderlight, Frostbite, Moonbreeze and Starlight are the novels following Firebolt.

Draconian Beast

Chapter 1. The Beast






Once upon a time, lived a kind, Fanelian, royal family that ruled over the country of Fanelia. The King of that country had married a beautiful draconian woman and had two heirs. The first-born was named Folken and the youngest of the family had been named Van. They had all grown into fine people. Folken was to be the next king if ever something were to happen to his father.

One terrible night, Van had been awfully restless. He had decided to go to one of his secret chambers to think by himself. During that time, a hired assassin had managed to outsmart every guard on the castle grounds. He had entered the castle and was determined to kill the king that had fallen in love with the draconian woman, along with the dirty-blooded princes. The assassin had managed to kill off most of the family and even a few of its finest samurai, but had not been able to kill off the youngest of the family.

The prince had gone into a state of depression then had grown furious. The killer had gotten away, and his family was dead. He had then forbidden any stranger from entering Fanelia let alone the castle for anything! Old friends from his childhood had come to visit and stay for the funeral. They had tried their best to comfort the Prince but nothing could help him smile.

One stormy night, a green eyed woman with long blond hair had made her way towards the gates of the castle begging to stay the night. She had reeked with sickness and needed a room to stay the night, but had no money to offer. The guards had brought the woman forward to the prince where she begged for a nights stay. The Prince, still bitter with anger, had refused to let the woman stay and for her to be thrown out of the castle into the storm.

That night, the woman had died. Her body could no longer sustain her, but her spirit lived on. She had newly approached the Prince and had not hesitated to place a curse over his head and the rest whom lived within the castle at that moment.

'As the wing goddess, I place a curse upon thee. By day you will physically be the beast that you have become. By night, you will be nothing but a weak boy.' She spoke then pulled out a bright pink pendant that swung side to side. 'Your heart will slowly grow darker and darker until it is finally consumed by darkness. Only the purest woman can save you from a lonely death.' She said, and with that, her spirit dissipating into the air leaving the pink pendant behind.

He was cursed.

He was a cursed Draconian beast.

.:.:.:.:. Present times .:.:.:.

'This new Fanelia sure is great.' A voice spoke.

'Yeah, I know what you mean.' Another voice agreed.

'Yukari, do you think the stories are true?' The voice asked.

The woman named Yukari shook her head, 'Nope. I don't believe in fairy tales Hitomi. There is no one in that castle. It's just a bunch of ruble now anyways.'

'Well how would you know? We can't exactly see the castle from here. So many trees have grown in between the castle and half of the old Fanelia. The forest is so thick, you can't see what's on the other side.' Hitomi replied. Shivers 2 harvest of souls free full download.

'I suppose you're right, I guess we'll have to have an adventure someday and discover what's on the other side, ne?' Yukari grinned.

'No way, I'm too spooked to go over there.' Hitomi shuddered. 'How about we talk about something else?'

'Well, in two days it is your sixteenth birthday.' Yukari observed, 'Wait, aren't you…?'

'Yeah, I'm supposed to be married to Dilandau the night of my birthday.' Hitomi sighed, 'I can't believe I have an arranged marriage! I mean, this is supposed to be new Fanelia!'

'Plus, the guy is a creep. He treats you like some toy.' Yukari added. 'Which, you are not. Best racerback bra full figure. You are a living, breathing person who just happens to have a certain extra ability.'

'I know, but I can't get out of this! My parents insist that we have good connections with the Zaibach country.' Hitomi said. 'Sometimes, I wish I weren't even here. I wish…'

'You wish you were on the Mystic Moon, don't ya? Far away from him, am I right?' Yukari finished.

'Yes, that sounds just about right.' Hitomi nodded as she glanced at the setting sun. 'C'mon, it's time to head back.'

'Aw, but I was just getting comfortable!' Whined her friend.

'C'mon you lazy girl. We were supposed to be back before dark! We're going to be late!' Hitomi scolded her friend.

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta

Hitomi's head shot up, 'A song—?'

'Hello…? Kanzaki? Are you still in there?' Yukari asked, waving a hand in front of her friend's eyes.

'Huh? Yukari? Didn't you hear it?' Hitomi asked dumbly.

'Hear what?' Yukari asked as she stared at her strangely, 'Maybe the stress of marriage has gotten to your head.' She glanced over at the horizon where the sun used to hang. 'Oh no! Now we really are late! Let's go Hitomi!' Yukari shouted sprinting back down the dirt road, followed by the clumsy blond girl.

.:.:.:. Back home .:.:.:.

'You two are late again!' Yukari's mother scolded the girls as they entered the home.

Yukari rolled her eyes at her mother, 'Ya, we kinda figured that out already mom. Don't worry about it; we're too quick for anyone to try anything on us. Right Hitomi?'

Hitomi just stared at her friend having spaced out a bit, 'Wha…? Oh right! Yes!'

Yukari's mother just glared at the two, 'I don't care if you are quick, or not! Yukari, you have responsibilities! I told you that you would have to take care of Hitomi and not put her into any potential danger while she visits us.'

Yukari matched her mother's glares with her own, 'Why? Do you think she's another tool too? Do you agree with this whole arranged marriage too mother?'

'Of course! I support it! Her parents made a wise decision. The last thing they need is for their daughter to get hurt while staying with one of her friends for a night! Now, go off to bed!'

'You've got to be kidding me mother, it isn't time for bed—' Yukari began to argue.

'It's ok Yukari, let's go.' Hitomi cut in already having begun to walk back towards their rooms.

Yukari just grunted in return and followed her friend to her room. Once they had entered, she slammed the door shut, 'Why did you just do that?! My mom has no right to walk over my friends like that! Your parents shouldn't be doing this either—'

'It's ok, I've gotten used to it, remember? I'm ok with being called a simple tool of wa—'

'No!' Yukari shouted, 'You keep saying that, but I know deep down, you hate it. You have so much potential! You can be something more than a war tool Hitomi! Quit saying that that's all you are, 'cause you aren't fooling anyone!'

Hitomi sighed, 'I…. Time for bed.' She said sitting herself down and collapsing onto the bed still wearing her beige-green short dress.

'Oh, Hitomi.' Yukari said as she too drifted off to sleep.

.:.:.:. Before sunrise .:.:.:.

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta

Hitomi's eyes shot open, turning greener by the second, 'It's that song again.' She whispered lifting herself from her bed.

Fin dein a loluca
En dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
En riga-lint

She quietly walked out of the room and down the hall following the voice.

Win chent a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta

She opened the front door and closed it behind herself as she placed one bared foot onto the dirt road.

Fin dein a loluca
Si katigura neuver
Floreria for chesti
Si entina

She slowly began to walk faster and faster down the street having finally broken into a sprint towards the wooded area of the old Fanelia.

La la la la la la la la la la la la
Fontina blu cent
De cravi esca letisimo

She ran through the dark forest the voice growing louder and louder by the second. She ignored her surroundings however, and continued to follow the singing. 'Someone… Someone is calling. I feel it. I'm getting drawn to it.' She thought as the song continued to grown louder within her ears.

La la la la la la la la la la la la
De quantian
La finde reve

'Here!' She thought as she suddenly came to a clearing. The singing had abruptly stopped, the trance she was in, broken. She glanced around the clearing and gasped. 'I…I can't be here… It's just impossible!' She told herself. 'It's a dream. Just a dream. Wake up Kanzaki… Wake up…' She told herself as she backed away from the very large stone castle before her.

'Please wake up… Wake up…' She kept repeating. A branch had poked her back causing her to yelp and walk just a bit more into the clearing, away from the trees. 'No! It's not real! Wake up!' She thought as she crouched down into a ball, bringing her hands to her head.

'Wake up. Wake up… it's all a dream. This isn't real.' She told herself. 'I'm back in my room… with Yukari…' She mumbled.

The more she told herself this, the more she began to think it was real. She wasn't at her friend's house anymore. She wasn't under warm blankets sleeping and dreaming of her horrible fiancé. She was here, on the other side of the forbidden forest. She was in the old Fanelia sitting in front of the castle. The castle that was rumored to be filled with monsters.

Hitomi stood up abruptly crushing her hands into tight fists. 'Get a grip Hitomi. This place is not filled with monsters. Snap out of it. It's just some stupid rumor.' She told herself as she began to approach it. 'Nothing bad about an old castle.' She mumbled walking towards the grand doors. 'Nothing to be afraid about… Just a creepy old castle.' She continued to mumble opening the doors.

She walked into the castle slowly, the doors closing behind her. She le tout a squeak at the sound but then calmed herself, 'Just the wind. must have pulled the doors shut.' She mentally told herself as she continued to walk. 'He-Hello?' She squeaked into the darkness. 'Anybody there?'

A pair of dark maroon eyes with slight red in them watched the girl move slowly into the castle. He had let out a low growl and said, 'What are you doing trespassing into my home! Get out! Leave at once!'

Hitomi jumped, hearing the voice. 'U-uh. i-is someone there?' She asked.

'Leave.' The voice kept saying.

'Leave? Why? Where are you?' Hitomi asked the voice.

Bright lights began to shine through the surprisingly clean windows. It was dawn, and the sun had begun to rise.

'Get out!' Roared the voice.

'W-wait! Please tell me who you are?!' Hitomi shouted.

There was no reply.

Black feathers started to circle the girl and fall to the polished floor. She had bent down and gently picked up a few feathers with one of her pale hands, looking them over. 'Black feathers?' She whispered in confusion. 'Where did these come from?' She questioned aloud.

A chill made its way up and down her spine notifying her of the presence behind her. She could hear deep breathing and low growling noises coming from the presence behind her. Instantly, her body stiffened. She was frozen in place too afraid to turn around to face it. She swallowed the lump in her throat and with a determined face, stood up and swung around to meet eye to eye with…. Blood red eyes.

She gasped letting the black feathers within her grasp drop to the floor. 'Wh-who…'

A boy stood before her, his red eyes boring into her own. He stood slightly hunched over baring his long fangs at her. He wore no clothing on his upper body but wore a pelt of fur around his waist with dark long short and dark navy boots. He had clawed hands, silvery white hair that was a bit above his shoulders, pointed ears, strange blue tattoo markings on his arms and to top it all off, he had the most frightening pitch black wings looming around himself. Feathers pooled around the boy as he just merely stood there, growling.

Hitomi had come to a conclusion. It wasn't safe to stay here with this thing around. She had slowly started to back up towards the doors of the castle but the winged boy had by then lunged at her and grabbed her wrist with one of his clawed hands.

'Girl…' He growled, his grip tightening around her wrist. He had focused his eyes on hers carefully and snarled at her. 'Green eyes. Green eyes. ' He kept repeating. 'Wing goddess, burn in hell!!' He howled raising his other hand to slash at her.








A/N Hmm Cliffy eh? Chapter updates may or may not depend on how many reviews I get. I have a chapter ready but I'm going to wait and see how many people like this story. I loved the movie and I really wanted to write something to do with the Wing Goddess. -smiles- Hope you guys like it! R&R Please!

And other people say to breed pandaken, then dragonian beasts. But the says those take too long to breed.At level twenty-five, you can have thirty-two habitats, and you can have level six nature habitats at level twenty-five. They hold three monsters and 50,000g.Dragonian beasts are far more difficult to breed, but make 30% more gold. How many of you have dragonian farms? Would you recommend it? I bred Legendaries instead, although I wish I had gone for Vadamagma before Thorder.10% chance of breeding Thorder with byproducts of Erpham, Pandalf, Sparkwedge, Raydex, Bloomskips, Bonbon, Electrex, Tarzape, and Rarawr.

As far as I am concerned, all of those are useless monsters. Sell or melt them.10% chance of breeding dragonian beast with byproducts of Griffex, Rabidex, Rhynex, and some other monsters. I only feel the Pandaken is useful, but Rabidex and Rhynex make as much gold as Dragonian Beast, with Griffex making slightly more, so a total 32.5% chance of breeding a monster that yields at least 224gpm and if you need to get rid of some of them to make room for Legendaries, melt them for team wars!. You can have 48 pandaken (with 3 rune slots available) in few hours but it will take you weeks for the dragonian beast. You waste those weeks of breeding where you could have breed more usefull monsters like legendaries or monsters for team wars.Anyway the nature habitat can only hold 70k gold, and you fill that in an hour with the pandaken at some point.

Even if the dragonian beast take 40 mins to fill it, it would have take you weeks to have them, and logging every hour in the game is enought already.You can breed dragonian beast for team wars, but if you want a gold farm go with the pandaken ^^ More gold/time efficient. Now, that caught me off guard. Breeding epics usually take 1 day and 9 hours, I thought it would be the same for dragonian beast, then I checked,.

However, for breeding dragonian beast and the wiki talks about 'The best way to breed Dragonian Beast is to simply use Rockilla + Treezard', which now isn't possible.In my time, dragonian beast wasn't breedable at all. This current possibility isn't too tempting either, since the other good results (the other epics) from Thundenix + Tarzape combo takes the normal breed and hatch time. I'd simply go for the legend gold farming after pandakens.