Dragon Age Origins Cheats

Dragon Age Origins Cheats Rating: 4,3/5 5299 votes

Our Dragon Age: Origins +25 trainer is now available for version Patch #6 and supports STEAM. These Dragon Age: Origins cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.

Hi guys,Here is my contribution for 'Dragon Age Origins' version 1.05.13263.0.

How to Cheat in Dragon AgeWhile some will argue that Dragon Age isn't that difficult, there are some people (myself included) who find cheats really useful. Perhaps there's one battle you can't quite do, or you simply don't have the patience—whatever it is, using cheats can often ensure that you get the most out of a game, and simply don't give up.There are plenty of walkthroughs available on the web, and also some very good official guides, however, most of us just want the ability to perhaps level up quickly, get a little extra gold or simply become immortal for a few minutes. The Dragon Age codes below will help most players to complete the game.I would suggest that you use the codes below sparingly; you'll definitely enjoy the game more if you actually have to work a little to achieve the next level—only use the codes when you are stuck and unable to progress further in the game.

Dragon Age Cheat ConsoleThe cheats listed here are for the PC version of the game. Additionally, they are not for the 'streamable' version—they do work on the digitally downloadable version. Please note that if you update or patch the game, these cheats may not work, or the files may become corrupted. I take no responsibility for any broken save files!.NEWS FLASH: some of the cheats below also work with the new expansion Dragon Age: Awakenings. The best thing to do is to try them out and see if they work.

Amend daorigins.exe shortcut(this will not work on the fileDAOriginsLauncher.exe). Make a shortcut to the file daorigins.exe – this should be saved in the folder “C:Program FilesDragon Agebinship” but depending on the OS, or your initial setup could be in a different folder (try looking in the Program File (x86) folder). You can use Windows search to find daorigins.exe. Right click on the shortcut and add -enabledeveloperconsole to the end of the target. (IMPORTANT - the minus sign must be included otherwise this will not work!)It should look something like:“C:Program Files (x86)Dragon Agebinshipdaorigins.exe” -enabledeveloperconsoleOr“C:Program FilesDragon Agebinshipdaorigins.exe” -enabledeveloperconsole. CheatLoad your saved game and press 'Z' or the key you chose. Aside from the above cheats, there are a few glitches that can be exploited to help you out on your quest.

Searching the web, these are the ones I have found so far. Please note I have not verified if these work!

There are others available in the websites I list at the bottom, but the two below appealed to me the most! Level UpIn Ostaragar you are given a quest to collect three vials of Darkspawn Blood and the Grey Warden Treaties. However, if you simply collect the blood and don’t collect the treaties, you can talk to Duncan and chose the option “We have the blood, but not the scrolls”—you’ll get experience and then be able to repeat the conversation—keep on doing this until you reach the level cap of 25! Note: This allows you to level up your main character and Alistair only.

Unlock SpecializationsThere are many books available for purchase that allow you to unlock Specializations. A simple way to unlock them is to save the game prior to buying the book; buy the book and unlock the specialization; reload your game, and the specialization should still be unlocked. To get the best of this game I suggest that you use strategy and play all the miniquests so that you get the highest level characters that you can. However, I do realize that the game is very difficult and less patient players will resort to cheat codes to enable them to finish, hence this section! Do remember that using these codes can reduce the pleasure of finishing the game!It is fairly easy to cheat in Dragon Age, however, you do have to alter a file so I advise that you make a backup copy of your save files. It’s possible that you could corrupt your game and have to restart or re-install.

Stevie: what happens when you press the key - does everything freeze up or when you try and type in the cheat, does the screen respond as if you were still playing the game?Do you also have Awakening installed?Worse case scenario is to just use the level up cheat that doesn't require any cheat codes:Level UpIn Ostaragar you are given a quest to collect three vials of Darkspawn Blood and the Grey Warden Treaties. However, if you simply collect the blood and don’t collect the treaties, you can talk to Duncan and chose the option “We have the blood, but not the scrolls” – you’ll get experience and then be able to repeat the conversation – keep on doing this until you reach the level cap of 25! Note: This allows you to level up your main character and Alistair only. Pieter - this only works on the.exe file.

If you have a daorigins file in the folder: C:Program FilesDragon Agebinship then it's probably the right one, with the exe part hidden. When you try using the cheats - does the screen freeze (Movement keys don't work etc.) if so then the cehat is working you just have to be very careful and type in the codes correctly!Okkin: I seem to remember that the money cheat didn't work - not a huge problem as you don't really need that much money in Awakenings!.

Gary - the only other thing I can think is to run the.exe file as an administrator.Here's a note I found on another forum:I had all the same problems that everyone else here seems to be having, but I did solve them all. The instructions here are correct, but a little hazy. First of all, you don’t need two spaces after daorigins.exe, only one space. In fact if you put in two spaces it will simply default back to a single space as soon as you save the change. Furthermore, you do not need to alter the keybindings.ini file. Leaving it at (grave) will work when you hit the tilda key.

I think the problem people are having comes from inputting the actual cheat code incorrectly. That at lest is where I was screwing up. The cheat code for money is runscript zzmoney xxxxxxx. Note that there must be a space between runscript and zzmoney as well as between zzmoney and the amount you want (xxxxxx). I kept leaving out the space after runscript.

Once I realized that, everything worked perfectly. Also, as someone else pointed out; once you have typed in the cheat code you hit enter, then hit the tilda key to close the console, then hit enter again in order to unfreeze the game. It really does work.

Gary - it should be developer - that's a typo on my part.Which version of Windows do you have? There seems to be a problem with the Windows 7 installation - I don't have this so can't troubleshoot - but I would suggest changing the compatibility to Windows XP on the same EXE file that you added the command line to.Let me know more details about your system and I'll see if I can help.BTW when you press the 'key' - are you able to move your character as normal? If not then the 'key' is working - the console is invisible and it's worth hitting delete a few times just to clear out any entries before entering the cheat code. I have edited the origins shortcut and have tried every key binding i can think of but still not having any luck.

I also had issues with the Awakening expansion. Downloaded it from eastore.com and nothing I tried could get it to work. In the process I lost all my characters and saved game. Which is mostly why i would like this to work so i can set them back to where they were for when i get the expansion to work. Anyways any ideas?Also several times you switch between develop and developer when referring to your code. Which one is the proper way to put it?.

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