Crime Scene Photo

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Footwear impressions left at a crime scene.Forensic photography, also referred to as crime scene photography, is an activity that records the initial appearance of the crime scene and physical evidence, in order to provide a permanent record for the. Crime scene photography differs from other variations of photography because crime scene photographers usually have a very specific purpose for capturing each image.Crime scenes can be major sources of physical evidence that is used to associate or link suspects to scenes, victims to scenes, and suspects to victims.

It is the basic tenet of why crime scenes should be investigated. Anything found at a crime scene can be physical evidence. In scientific crime scene investigation, the first activities at the crime scene are essential for the successful preservation of the physical evidence. The first responder and ultimately the crime scene investigator have the obligation to make the scene secure and ensure that any further activities at the scene do not change the evidence. The use of a multilevel security method would accomplish this task. The preliminary scene survey is the first on-scene activity. Precautions are taken for transient and conditional evidence during the survey.All forensic photography must consider three elements at a crime scene: the subject, the scale, and a reference object.

Jan 21, 2020  Crime scene photos showing the dead body of Reeva Steenkamp, who was murdered by Oscar Pistorius in 2013, have been made public after her. I was wondering if you guys stumbled on a website that shows a bunch of graphic crime scene photos? My memory might be a little wonky since I saw this website.

Also, the overall forensic photographs must be shown a neutral and accurate. Contents.Features of crime scene photography.

Common photography related to creative and artistic photography often shows their results in a different way. Creative and artistic photographs are perfectly fine. However, the forensic photography is different. They should serve several purposes.For people who were at the original crime scene, forensic photos will help refresh their memory as time goes.

People who could not be present at the original crime scene, it provides them with the opportunity to see the crime scene and the evidence within the crime scene.Furthermore, the forensic photos can be utilized by law enforcement professionals who will become involved with crime and will be utilized later when the crime case goes to trial. Judge, jury, attorney and witnesses can reuse and utilize forensic photos for lawful evidence or references. Sometimes, forensic photos can be the only way to collect lawful evidences; therefore, two key points are important:.

Documentation of the crime scene and the evidence within the crime scene. Collection of evidence. These images can then be later used as examination-quality photographs by experts/analysts from the forensic laboratory.Crime scene evidence Crime scenes are the source of the physical evidence that is used to associate or link suspects to scenes, victims to scenes, and suspects to victims. Any item found at a crime scene can be physical evidence; it can be labeled as the debris of criminal activity.

There is considerable overlap among identifications, but evidence can be categorized into the following broad groups based on its origin, composition, or method of creation:. Biological evidence — any evidence derived from a living item.

Above picture is Figure 3.1. Which one is the correct representation?In Figure 3.1, Photograph 2 is a correct representation.Photograph 1 has too much light.

It means that the photographer failed to catch proper light to describe object. By adjusting the flash, photographer should adjust camera flash to capture the object.In general, the basic components of macro or evidentiary photography are as follows:If any evidentiary photographs are to be taken for use in a critical comparison examination at a later time, guidelines must be followed in accordance with the best practices of digital evidence. The digital image must be captured in a format. The two widely accepted lossless compression formats are tagged image file format (TIFF) and RAW. TIFF is a universal file type, whereas RAW files are proprietary based upon the manufacturer of the camera. Specialized software may be required to open and enhance a RAW image. The camera must be on a grounded platform, such as a copy stand or tripod.

In general, the human body cannot stop natural vibrations with a camera shutter speed slower than 1/60 of a second. Using a grounded platform will allow the subject matter to be in complete focus. The camera shutter must be controlled by a remote cord or by using the timer mode.

The simple action of depressing the shutter control will cause the camera to vibrate, losing focus of the subject matter.Documentation The responding officer must also maintain a photo log if any photographic documentation is taken. The log should contain the date and time of the photograph, the subject matter, and any additional notes. These logs must be maintained within a case file or incident report, as they are a part of the examination record and discoverable material at trial. By adjusting ISO, the photographs can be shown differently in same environment. In dark environment, ISO makes light sensor of camera more sensitive. It helps photographers to meet proper light in dark or harsh condition.

Among above two photographs, the photograph 2 is a proper representation because it shows clear objects with proper brightness. However, ISO has high possibility to make camera noise which is visual distortion.

Too much dependence on ISO can distort the image. For that reason, the photographers must understand ISO before using it.Shutter speedis the length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light. Object and image can be shown differently by shutter speed.

Below are the examples. These two photographs are taken under same situation except for camera shutter speed.In above situation, slow shutter speed makes image more clear and bright because the low shutter speed takes more light than high shutter speed. However, the high shutter speed often is necessary for moving object.Above two photographs are taken under same situation except for camera shutter speed.In case of moving object, the low shutter speed is not proper to capture the object.

It needs faster shutter speed to capture it. Shutter speed has pros and cons.For capturing a moving object, photographers must use a high shutter speed. However, the image can be very dark.

Low shutter speed must be used when capturing a clear image or object under the harsh condition, but it is hard to capture the moving objects.Aperture(Focus)means that the extent of a sharpness of an image that is shown through the lens. So, it is one of really important things to photographers. High aperture (High focus) means hard sharpness like photograph1. Every Low aperture (low focus) means soft sharpness. The photograph 1 shows all objects very clearly because of the high aperture. The photograph 2 image shows an object with right focus but rest of the objects are all blurred because of low aperture.Use of flash External flash units are helpful tools when responding to a crime scene and for the proper documentation of evidence. The white balance of a photo flash unit is set to mimic daylight to ensure the proper color balance of the subject matter.

The photographer must be mindful of the reflections that can occur due to the directionality of the flash and the position of the subject matter. To avoid flash reflections, as demonstrated below examples, the flash must either be removed from the camera body, creating an angle, or bounced off of the ceiling. Equipment The tools required to properly document the crime scene include:. and/or digital. (pens, pencils, markers). Still camera with external flash and extra batteries.

Measurement instruments (tape measures, rulers, electronic measuring devices, perspective grids, etc.). Evidence identification and position markers or placards.

Photographic log.Fit for court The images must be clear and usually have scales. They serve to not only remind investigators of the scene, but also to provide a tangible image for the court to better enable them to understand what happened. The use of several views taken from different angles helps to minimise the problem of.

Overall images do not have scales and serve to show the general layout, such as the house where the murder is thought to have occurred. Fishao y8. Context images show evidence in context, like how the knife was next to the sofa. Close up images show fine detail of an artifact, such as a bloody fingerprint on the knife.Road traffic incident (RTI) photographs show the overall layout at the scene taken from many different angles, with close-ups of significant damage, or such as tire marks at a. As with crime scene photography, it is essential that the site is pristine and untouched as far as is possible. Some essential intervention, such as rescuing a trapped victim, must be recorded in the notes made at the time by the photographer, so that the authenticity of the photographs can be verified.As with all evidence a must be maintained for crime scene photographs. Sometimes a CSI (forensic photographer) will process his/her own film or there is a specific lab for it.

Regardless of how it is done any person who handles the evidence must be recorded. Secure Digital Forensic Imaging methods may be applied to help ensure against tampering and improper disclosure.

Accident scene pictures should also be identified and sourced, police photographs taken at the scene often being used in civil cases.Analysis of historic photographs. Photograph of 1880 showing fallen Tay BridgeCrime or accident scene photographs can often be re-analysed in or when the images need to be enlarged to show critical details. Photographs made by film exposure usually contain much information which may be crucial long after the photograph was taken.

They can readily be digitised by scanning, and then enlarged to show the detail needed for new analysis. For example, controversy has raged for a number of years over the cause of the of 1879 when a half-mile section of the new bridge collapsed in a storm, taking an express train down into the estuary of the river Tay. At least 75 passengers and crew were killed in the disaster.The set of photographs taken a few days after the accident have been re-analysed in 1999–2000 by digitising them and enlarging the files to show critical details. The originals were of very high resolution since a large was used with a small, plus a small grain film. The re-analysed pictures shed new light on why the bridge fell, suggesting that design flaws and defects in the columns which supported the centre section led directly to the. Alternative explanations that the bridge was blown down by the wind during the storm that night, or that the train derailed and hit the girders are unlikely.

The re-analysis supports the original court of inquiry conclusions, which stated that the bridge was 'badly designed, badly built and badly maintained'. Concerns over scientific validity A 2019 ProPublica investigation found that despite frequent use by the FBI, there are considerable concerns over scientific validity of the FBI's analysis of photographic evidence. ProPublica 'asked leading statisticians and forensic science experts to review methods image examiners have detailed in court transcripts, published articles and presentations. The experts identified numerous instances of examiners overstating the techniques’ scientific precision and said some of their assertions defy logic.' See also.References. Miller, Marilyn T.; Peter, Massey (2016-01-29). The Crime Scene A Visual Guide.

San Diego: Academic Press. Pp. 45–94. Robinson, Edward M. Introduction to crime scene photography (Online-Ausg. Oxford, UK: Elsevier/Academic Press.

Pp. 1–77. Miller, Marilyn; Peter, Massey (2016-01-29). The Crime Scene A Visual Guide.

San Diego: Academic Press. Pp. 17–33. Miller, Marilyn; Peter, Massey (2016-01-29). The Crime Scene A Visual Guide. San Diego: Academic Press. Pp. 37–44. Robinson, Edward M.

Introduction to crime scene photography (Online-Ausg. Oxford, UK: Elsevier/Academic Press. Pp. 1–77.

Miller, Marilyn T.; Peter, Massey (2016-01-29). Chapter 2 - Initial On-Scene Procedures. San Diego: Academic Press.

Pp. 3–15. Miller, Marilyn T; Peter, Massey (2016-01-29). Chapter 1 - Crime Scene Investigations. San Diego: Academic Press. Pp. 3–15. Reitnauer, Andrew R.

Crime Scene Response and Evidence Collection, In Security Supervision and Management (Fourth ed.). Pp. 443–459. Fish, Jacqueline T.; Miller, Larry S.; Braswell, Michael C.; Wallace Jr., Edward W. Chapter 3 - Documenting the Crime Scene: Photography, Videography, and Sketching. Boston: Anderson Publishing, Ltd. Pp. 59–83.

with SDFI system. Porter, Glenn (2013). 119 (Nov/Dec): 38–42. Retrieved 11 August 2014.

Gabrielson, Ryan (2019-01-17). Retrieved 2019-01-20.Further reading. Introduction to Forensic Engineering (The Forensic Library) by Randall K. Noon, CRC Press (1992). Forensic Engineering Investigation by Randall K. Noon, CRC Press (2000). Forensic Materials Engineering: Case Studies by Peter Rhys Lewis, Colin Gagg, Ken Reynolds, CRC Press (2004).

Peter R Lewis and Sarah Hainsworth, Fuel Line Failure from stress corrosion cracking, Engineering Failure Analysis,13 (2006) 946-962. Peter R. Lewis, Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay: Reinvestigating the Tay Bridge Disaster of 1879, Tempus, 2004,.

Nicole Brown Simpson’s apartment is roped off. Mike Nelson/AFP/Getty ImagesGoldman and Brown Simpson were murdered at Simpson’s apartment in Brentwood, California on June 12, 1994. Brown Simpson was in an abusive relationship — she had called the police about her husband’s abusive behavior. In the above photo, the woman paying her respects to Brown Simpson told reporters she was there to support women involved in abusive relationships. The apartment is roped off with yellow crime scene tape; a sign that something serious happened.Next: The police present their findings.The crime scene had a trail of blood. The trail of blood was discussed during the trial.

Lori Shelper/AFP/Getty ImagesThere was a lot of evidence to be found at Brown Simpson’s crime scene. This included a trail of blood that made its way through several areas of Brown Simpson’s apartment.

This photo was taken during Simpson’s trial for the murders. In the above photo, police present the trail of blood to the jury. It appears to lead through several rooms and up or down a staircase.Next: One piece of evidence shows how vile the crime scene was.Bloody glasses were found at the scene. Bloody glasses were critical evidence. Hal Garb/AFP/Getty ImagesBrown Simpson and Goldman were at Brown Simpson’s home the night of the murders. Goldman had been returning a pair of glasses, which belonged to Brown Simpson’s mother, Juditha Brown. The glasses were recovered, still inside of their bloody envelope.

The glasses and envelope were presented as evidence in the case during a cross examination.Next: The coroner presents gruesome findings.Brown Simpson’s autopsy shows several abrasions. Brown Simpson’s autopsy is discussed. Fred Prouser/AFP/Getty Images)An autopsy was done on the victims to help determine what happened to them and how they died. The autopsy results were presented in court, and the above photo shows the Los Angeles County coroner pointing to various abrasion wounds on Brown Simpson’s body to try and piece together how the altercation went. The coroner did not perform a sexual assault examination, though, which was controversial as it may have helped implicate someone in the crime.Next: Simpson reacts to his former wife’s autopsy results.Reaction to autopsy results.

Simpson reacts to the autopsy. POO/AFP/Getty ImagesSimpson unequivocally denied any part of his wife’s and Goldman’s murders, but he reacted shamefully to the presentation of Brown Simpson’s autopsy. In the above photo, Simpson holds his face with his hand as the coroner discusses what he found on Brown Simpson’s body during her autopsy. But throughout the trial, Simpson maintained his innocence. The autopsy was the beginning of the forensic pathology part of the trial.Next: The police present the recovered blood evidence.Blood evidence from the crime scene is presented. The blood evidence is brought to the trial.

POO/AFP/Getty Images)Many photos were taken of the crime scene, and they were shown in court to help make a verdict easier. The above photo shows all of the blood evidence that was found around Brown Simpson’s apartment the night of the murders. Police criminalist Andrea Mazzola collected most of the blood evidence from the crime scene and used it to piece together the events from that night. The evidence appeared to put O.J. At the scene of the crime.Next: The location of the evidence also caused concern.Evidence was found on O.J.

Simpson’s property. The prosecution discusses evidence found on O.J. Simpson’s property.

POO/AFP/Getty ImagesMany pieces of evidence were collected to try and solve this case. Some of that evidence was collected at the home of O.J.

Simpson, who was not living with Brown Simpson at the time of her death. The above photo shows prosecutor Marcia Clark explaining that evidence was found on Simpson’s property that implicates him in the crime. She explains using a map of Simpson’s property.Next: Gloves were one of the most implicating pieces of evidence.OJ’s gloves were allegedly at the scene of the crime. The defense details a map of Simpson’s whereabouts on the night of the murders. POO/AFP/Getty ImagesSimpson’s defense disputed the idea that Simpson had anything to do with his wife’s murder. Attorney Carl Douglas explains, using a map, that Simpson was nowhere near his wife’s apartment at the time of her death.

The map also indicates the time stamps of other key people involved in Simpson’s night and concludes that Simpson was able to account for where he was when the murders took place.Next: Emotions run deeply during the trial.The Brown and Goldman families were emotional. The families of Brown Simpson and Goldman were emotional.

POO/AFP/Getty ImagesBrown Simpson’s and Goldman’s families attended the trial to show support for the man and woman they had lost. But it was difficult for the families to keep their composure while the prosecutor explained what happened the night the two were murdered.

In the above photo, the family’s emotion over their loved one is evident. Brown Simpson’s mother sits in the back with her hand on her face, while Goldman’s father, step mother, and sister are teary-eyed in the front row.Next: Goldman’s pants were key in the defense.Ron Goldman’s pants show there may have been another assailant. Goldman’s pants were key for the defense. POO/AFP/Getty ImagesAnother piece of evidence recovered from the crime scene were Goldman’s bloody pants, which he was wearing at the time of the murder. This piece of evidence was significant to the case because it helped the defense with their argument that Simpson did not commit the murder. On the left pant leg was a pattern that resembled a shoe imprint, which the defense said proved there was a second assailant involved in the murder.Next: A friend of Simpson’s — also his attorney — was called into question. The prosecution wanted Robert Kardashian to take the stand.

Robert Kardashian sits with Simpson. Vince Bucci/AFP/Getty ImagesRobert Kardashian, a good friend of Simpson’s and another of his attorneys, was asked to take the witness stand to verify information about Simpson. Apparently, Simpson had taken some bags onto a flight to Chicago on the night of the murders, but the bags were nowhere to be found.

The prosecution believed Kardashian may have known the reason for the bags’ disappearance. Kardashian was also one of Simpson’s defense attorneys and is heavily credited in helping Simpson walk free.Next: The verdictSimpson is found not guilty of the murders. Simpson was found not guilty on October 3, 1995.

Myung J. Chun/AFP/Getty ImagesAt the end of the trial, Simpson was found not guilty of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

He was a free man, and the above photo shows his initial reaction upon learning he would not be serving jail time for the crime. The verdict came with a lot of controversy — the public, most of whom had been closely following the case, largely believed that Simpson had committed the murders.Next: Brown Simpson’s attorney remembers the victim.Brown Simpson holds a ‘Remember Nicole’ button. Brown Simpson’s attorney holds a ‘Remember Nicole’ button. Vince Bucci/AFP/Getty ImagesAfter the not guilty verdict, there was a lot of controversy over the jury’s decision to let Simpson walk.

In the above photo, Gloria Allred, the Brown family’s lawyer, holds a button that says “Remember Nicole.” The photo is from October 3, 1995, the day Simpson was found not guilty of the murders. Many people paid their respects to the Brown family after the verdict.Brown Simpson and Goldman have never been forgotten.